Chapter 115: Eating

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After a full day of travelling, Zimo was exhausted. He may have just been sitting on the horse, but like when riding the mule cart if was rather tiring.

On wobbly feet Zimo sat on the couch in the living area. The wolf pups quickly surrounded him excited.

"Calm down, babies. Did you miss us?" Zimo asked as he lovingly patted them. It was strange not having them by his side. Even little Bay cried out and tapped Chen on the noise with his fluffy little paw.

LongWei came in to see Zimo buried under the pile of wolves. "Don't let them climb all over you." He warned as he pulled them aside. They were getting bigger and heavier everyday.

Rescued from the pile Zimo smiled. "You can complain all you want, but I know you love them."

"Wrong, I only tolerate them because they're important to you." LongWei corrected. However Zimo didn't believe a word he said and simply continued to smile.

As the day was drawing to a close LongWei got busy in the kitchen. He planned to make bone marrow porridge. He wasn't sure how good it would taste, but it would definitely be nutritious and fattening for his thin little birdie.

While LongWei was busy in the kitchen, Zimo also found something to do. He decided to teach the wolves some tricks.

They naturally new the classics. Tricks like sit, stay, come, lay down, these were easy. Today he decided to go one step further and teach them to stand on two feet, roll over, hide and seek.

"Okay see this bone, I'm going to hide it and you need to find it. The one who finds it first gets a treat." Zimo said as he showed the wolf pups an old chewed up bone. He then had the pups wait in the bedroom while he chose a place to hide the bone.

The first few times he chose easy places, behind the chair, on a table... next he decided to make it harder. He had the wolf pups wait outside and he included the bedroom when hiding the bone.

"Let's see if they can find it hidden under the quilts." Zimo thought. So far they had quickly found the bone each time. As for which was the fastest, Chong seemed to win every two out of three times.

After playing with the wolf pups for awhile, LongWei finished making dinner and left the kitchen with a bowl of porridge.

"Baby, come sit down and eat."  LongWei asked as he placed dinner on the table.

Zimo sat down feeling hungry, but also nervous. The last time he tried to eat, it was very painful. Similar to trying to swallow a handful of needles or glass shards.

"Baby, try it." LongWei urged. He was also feeling nervous. Zimo took a deep breath and tried a small amount of porridge. It had a very meaty taste from the bone marrow.

After chewing it thoroughly Zimo swallowed. "Eh, it doesn't hurt. It doesn't feel comfortable, but it doesn't hurt. Kinda like when I have a sore throat from a cold." Zimo thought as he ate another spoonful of porridge.

Seeing Zimo eating, LongWei let out a deep breath. He had unconsciously held his breath anxious to see if Zimo could eat or not.

"Baby, make sure you eat a lot." LongWei said with a smile. He was happy to see his little birdie eating.

After dinner, LongWei gave Zimo his medicine and applied the salve on his bruised neck. The dark purple was finally starting to fade and heal.

As they lay in bed, Zimo asked the question he had been thinking of since the fight. "Dear, what will happen with the village?"

"It's difficult to say. They attacked and injured you first, so we had every right to defend ourselves. However, they also are not in the wrong for not wanting the wolves to enter the village. From now on, it's best to leave the wolves at home. Not just the wolves, but also this little tiger cub." LongWei admitted.

Zimo was worried LongWei might say that. "Will they try to find us and attack the wolves, or contact the yamen and complain?" Zimo questioned eyes innocently staring at LongWei.

"Their is a strong possibility they will try to get revenge for what happened. However this mountain belongs to us. When they attacked us it was on our property. If they enter the mountain to look for us it is within our rights to defend our property. Just like when dealing with the bandits." LongWei explained with a dark face.

They had informed the village leader about the traps on the mountain and warning signs. If the villagers dared to come up the mountain and approach their home, he would not hesitate to kill them.

No, if he ever saw them again he wouldn't hesitate to kill them for what they did to his little birdie. Zimo thought as he hugged Zimo tight in his arms.

"Dear, why is it so difficult to get along with others?" Zimo thought. In his last life, people often hated him for things he had no control over. The worst was being bullied for not having a family. Now, in this world, he found happiness and a family and people still hate him.

"Don't worry about them. There are plenty of people who are kind in this world. Besides, even without others you will always have me." LongWei said giving Zimo a sweet kiss.


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