Chapter 121: Reckless

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LongWei returned long before dusk. He approached the gate with a feeling of triumph and pride. However that feeling soon dissipated when he entered the house and saw Zimo making soap.

Zimo on the other hand was so focused on the soap, he didn't even notice LongWei's triumphant return, further aggravating LongWei.

"Zhang Zimo, what are you doing?" LongWei asked suddenly. He had seldom called Zimo by his full name.he reserved it for when he was truly upset.

Hearing his name Zimo turned around to see LongWei standing chest out and arms crossed clearly unhappy.

"This... well,.. um..." Zimo muttered as he tried to think of a good excuse.

"Save the excuses. I specifically asked you not to make soap while I was away because it's dangerous. Yet you did it anyway..." LongWei began to lecture Zimo about how he doesn't consider his own safety and often does dangerous things.

Zimo sat quietly listening to LongWei's lecture. Unfortunately, it was boring so his mind began to wander. While looking around he noticed some blood on Chen's fur.

"Wait, stop! Why is Chen hurt?" Zimo shouted as he pushed LongWei aside and knelt down next to the wolf pup Chen.

"He isn't hurt. It must be blood from the bandits." LongWei explained.

"You found the bandits? How many were there? Did you catch them all? Did you, kkkill them?" Zimo asked his vice trailing softly as he mentioned killing them.

"Thanks to the traps and with Ji and Chen's help. All ten have been killed." LongWei aid proudly.

"Ttt...Ten! How could you fight ten bandits alone? Didn't you promise not to fight if there were a lot them? You even took Ji specifically so you could escape if the numbers were not on your side." Zimo shouted in panic. His face growing paler as he thought of what might have happened.

"Baby, calm down. Everything went well. I aid there were ten but really I only face six of them." LongWei said as he tried to calm Zimo.

"Six! How is that better than ten?" Zimo shot back in disbelief.

Realizing he could calm down Zimo, LongWei decided to change tactics.

"Baby, you know our traps worked really well. The men were injured, some even killed before I even got to them thanks to our traps. You're amazing for thinking about setting them up in the fall." LongWei said. He decided to try and appease Zimo by praising him first.

"Stop trying to divert my attention. You could have died. Facing so many bandits alone. How could you do that?" Zimo said as his eyes turned red, with tears hanging in the corner threatening to fall at any second.

"Baby, trust me. I didn't attack them recklessly. I had the upper hand and confidence to deal with them swiftly without putting myself or the animals in danger." LongWei said as he tightly held Zimo in his arms.

Feeling LongWei's warmth as he wrapped his strong arms around him Zimo started to calm down. "Why do you keep worrying me?" Zimo complained under his breath.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?" LongWei replied as he pointed at the soap.

"Don't compare me making soap, like I've done many times before as dangerous." Zimo refuted.

"Okay, the soap I can forgive, but what about when you were careless and fell off the horse? Or when you went outside in the snowstorm to check on the animals and ended up sick? Or the time you wanted to clean the snow off the roof and fell down while I was away hunting, or..." LongWei began to list all the reckless and dangerous things Zimo had done recently.

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