Chapter 96: Meat (part 2)

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The next day, everyone woke up early. LongWei however was woke up feeling wet. The little tiger cub had slipped out of Zimo's embraced sometime during the night and decided to use him as a litter box. At least that's what Zimo called it when he heard LongWei complain about what happened.

"Why do you think this is so funny?" LongWei asked as he glared at the little white Bay in Zimo's arms.

"No, it's just nice to not be the one peed on for once." Zimo said. When the wolf pups were too small to be potty trained, he was often the one who suffered. It was disgusting and annoying, but it couldn't be helped.

"Don't worry, I will train him, just like I trained the other three. Give me one month." Zimo said as he passed a new set of clothes to LongWei.

Let me see your ankle. LongWei said as he sat down on the kang next to Zimo.

"It feels much better today." Zimo said happily. Looking at the ankle, the swelling had almost completely gone away. The injury was just a simple sprain, and with LongWei's meticulous care it wouldn't take long to heal.

"Will you stay home today, or follow along?" LongWei asked.

"I'll come. I know I can't do much but it's nice to get out of the house." Zimo said with big innocent eyes.

Unable to resist, LongWei leaned over and kissed Zimo. The kiss didn't last too long as it was interrupted by the little bundle between them crying out in hunger. LongWei decided to ignore it and continued to dig deep into Zimo's  mouth savouring the sweet taste.

"Hahaha!" Zimo couldn't help but laugh.

"Baby, why are you laughing?" LongWei asked displeased.

"Sorry, it's Bay. Hahaha. He's trying to dig into my. Hahaha. Robe. And it's really ticklish." Zimo said trying to suppress his laugh. LongWei looked at the fluff ball wanting to throw it aside.

Knowing LongWei was losing his patient Zimo preemptively pushed LongWei back. It's for the better anyway, we need to get up and prepare breakfast.

Admitting defeat LongWei got up and left the room.

"Baby Bay, be careful don't make him to angry." Zimo warned the little tiger cub as he tapped it soft pink nose.


Breakfast was the same as the day before. The difference was that LongWei added some fish they caught previously to the porridge. It added a light taste which went well with the crunchy pickled vegetables Zimo served on the side.

Leaving the house LongWei decided to split the group in two. Kong Huizhong, Tan Yan, and Xu Qingsheng would continue from where they ended things the day before. While LongWei would take Zimo, Chang Shaoqing, and Yi Lei with him to a new area.

"It's a little dangerous, Chong I want you to follow them. Make sure you keep watch and listen. Kong Huizhong, if you get lost just tell Chong "Find Zimo" and he will lead you right to me." Zimo explained.

Kong Huizhong didn't think it was necessary, but was grateful nonetheless. He had seen how vigilant the wolf was the day before when he noticed the deer.

Chu naturally followed Zimo and the energetic Chen would wander the forest between the two. Zimo was a little worried, but the two teams wouldn't be too far apart.

The work wasn't much different from usual. Things went well and Chen had managed to catch two fat rabbits. He had gotten better and didn't kill them. Keeping them alive meant they could put them in a cage and slaughter them later when they wanted to eat them.

At around noon, LongWei and Zimo returned to the house. Zimo wanted to prepare dinner. It was more complicated compared to before and would take several hours to roast the meat wrapped in bamboo leaves in the fire.

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