Extra 4: Fear

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AiAi and LinLin have been living with Zimo and LongWei for three days.

Afraid and nervous, the two little girls remained on the bed set up in the living room for them. Watching Zimo, LongWei, and the fierce beasts roam the house.

"Dear, this isn't good." Zimo said as he looked over at the little twin girls huddled on the bed. He thought they would be happy leaving the Yuan house. Instead, they always seemed afraid.

"Baby, they barely know us. They're in a strange house surrounded by dangerous animals. Give them time." LongWei said. Not too concerned.

"Why aren't you more worried? They're your nieces." Zimo rebuked.

"We give them food, shelter, and a safe, warm place to sleep. What else am I supposed to do?" LongWei asked rhetorically, not sure why Zimo was angry.

"They need a family. We are their family now." Zimo answered back.

"Baby, I don't know what to say. I've never dealt with them before." LongWei admitted.

Back, before Zimo came into his life LongWei didn't care to even look at those little girls. They were just proof of their father's crimes.

He tried to fix things with his youngest brother and the rest of the Yuan family. But that ended tragically. Now with those little girls and Zimo's insistence he was trying again.

Unfortunately, like Zimo he didn't know how to be a good parent. He just remembered what his own parents did. His father the drunk gambler, and his mother who treated him well, but was always overworked and preoccupied by his brothers and father. Neither being "good" role models.

"Old Man Li! Let's ask old man Li and Mrs Li for help. They have a daughter. They should be able to help, right?" Zimo exclaimed.

"You want to take them to old man Li's place?" LongWei asked not opposed to the idea.

"Wouldn't it be better if they came here? In case there's something wrong with our home." Zimo suggested.

"Then tomorrow I'll go see the Li's and ask them if they can come. You can stay here with them." LongWei said.


The next day LongWei left early with the horse and cart to talk with the Li couple. Leaving Zimo with the two little girls.

"AiAi, LinLin, are you hungry? Uncle LongWei left us some meat buns for lunch." Zimo said as he placed the cold buns on the table.

The two girls stayed in bed all day except meal time. Whenever it was time to eat they would rush to the table and stuff their cheeks full.

Today, however, they only stared at the cold buns.

"What's wrong? Didn't you like the buns yesterday? They're the same, full of delicious meat." Zimo said.

"Cold." The two girls said at exactly the same time.

"They're cold, but I promise they are still very delicious." Zimo assured them.

"Hot is more delicious." Little AiAi said.

"Can you make it hot?" Little LinLin also asked.

Both looked at Zimo with high expectations.

"Sorry. I can't. Only uncle LongWei can cook." Zimo said sadly.

"We can cook!" Little AiAi said, grabbing the buns and running into the kitchen with her sister.

Zimo tried to follow them, but when the door opened and the heat and smell of burning wood escaped Zimo froze. He couldn't go in.

"LinLin, AiAi come out. It's dangerous." Zimo said anxiously.

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