Extra 5: Christmas Special

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"Dear I've been thinking. There is something I want to discuss with you." Zimo said from next to him.

"What is it?" LongWei asked.

"Well, you see there is this tradition or holiday in my last life that I was thinking we could celebrate with the girls."

"Holiday? What kind of holiday?"

"It's called Christmas. It was originally a religious celebration but most of the world didn't care about that stuff. The reason I bring it up is because it was popular with children. I think the girls will like it."

"What are we supposed to do?" LongWei didn't care much about what the girls would like, but hearing Zimo talk about it he was willing to consider it."

"Well the thing is we need to cut down a tree and bring it inside. We decorate it and on Christmas Day Santa puts presents underneath it."

"Who the hell is Santa and why would we let him into our house?" LongWei asked suspiciously.

"Santa is a fictional character made up for the holiday. He's a big fat man dressed in red with a big white beard. He brings gifts to all the children around the world using magic on Christmas Day."

"So he's like a god?" LongWei questioned.

"Not a god, just a fictional character. Children send him a wishlist of things they want and Santa will bring it to them." Zimo tried his best to explain Santa Claus and Christmas.

LongWei listened and summarized the main points.

"So we decorate a tree and give the little girls gifts. We pretend the gifts were given to them by this fictional character that can magically appear. Is that right?"

"We don't have to use Santa Claus. We can make it a magical animal or something instead. It's really just an excuse to have a big meal and exchange gifts. This is the first winter the girls are spending here with us. I want to make it special for them." Zimo said.

"Listen to you."


The days leading up to Christmas Zimo had the girls make Christmas lists. He told them to write anything they wanted. Whatever it was. Santa was a magical Snow White deer that would send them gifts. But before it could it needed to know what they wanted.

AiAi and LinLin were skeptical at best. If this magical White deer called Santa really existed why did it never visit them before? Why didn't anyone ever telling them about it before?

Despite their questions they didn't ask. They never asked questions when they noticed strange things about Zimo. Their uncle LongWei had told him not to worry about it. He told them Zimo was special and that they could learn a lot from him and become amazing people.

They didn't want to make their uncle angry so they listened. Zimo told them to write a letter listing all the things they wanted so they did.

AiAi wrote about wanting a new ribbon for her hair. Her current one was faded and the edges were beginning to fray.

LinLin asked for a new quilt for her blanket. Her and AiAi were a little cold at night. The wolves helped and lay on their bed with them but she wanted another quilt.


Sora looked at the letters and was surprised. They both wanted practical items. If they had asked he would have gotten them even if it wasn't Christmas.

"Dear, it's so sad. I told them they could ask for anything. But instead of toys or pretty accessories they asked for a ribbon and quilt." Zimo said with some concern.

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