Chapter 79: Hangover

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The next morning Zimo woke up with a pounding headache and strained muscles. At first, he thought maybe he and LongWei had been intimate, but "that" place felt fine.

Perplexed by the state of his body he opened his eyes to once again find himself packed onto the mule cart heading up the mountain.

"Oh looks like the little fox has finally woken up." Cui Tengfei said as he saw Zimo poke his head out from the cart.

Zimo glared at the laughing man sitting on the horse. Seeing Cui Tengfei so early in the day immediately put Zimo in a sour mood. "Why is still here?" He thought as he looked around.

"Baby, how do you feel?" LongWei asked from the drivers seat.

"..." Zimo squinted in pain. The pounding in his head was so loud it was harder than usual to hear anything else. Together with the bright sunlight that shine through the treetops, Zimo quickly surrendered and escaped back under the quilt.

"BUAHAHA! Bear it looks like he isn't too happy." Cui Tengfei said.

LongWei stopped the mule cart and hopped into the mule cart. Digging into a basket for a bamboo thermos, he then proceeded to pull Zimo out from under the quilt.

"Baby, drink this. It will help with your hangover." LongWei said passing the thermos over to Zimo.

Zimo lifted the seal and upon smelling the containers his face turned green.

"Haha, I think he's about to be sick." Cui Tengfei exclaimed. Not a moment later Zimo indeed reached over the side of the cart and emptied out the contents of his stomach.

LongWei quickly held his hair and rubbed his back soothingly. "Baby, I know it smells bad but you'll feel better after drinking it. I promise." LongWei said as he attempted to give the hangover cure to Zimo once more.

Zimo looked at the drink before diving back under the quilt. "If I drink that I'll only feel worse." He thought as he curled himself up.

The worried little wolf pups noticed Zimo's discomfort and decided to pile on top in an attempt to stop LongWei from disturbing their masters rest.

Looking at the balled up quilt buried under three wolf pups LongWei let out a long sigh. After some thought he decided it might be better to try again later.


Riding in the mule cart was uncomfortable on a good day. Sleeping in one required a special talent. However sleeping on a moving mule cart while suffering from a bad hangover and nausea was downright impossible.

As they moved forward Zimo clutched his stomach trying to appease the nausea without success. He soon popped out from his cocoon and vomited off the side of the cart again.

"Baby, if you take the hangover cure your stomach will settle down." LongWei said in an attempt to persuade Zimo.

It might have worked if Zimo had properly heard LongWei, but from Zimo's perspective he just heard gibberish paired with a look of sympathy.

To make matters worse Cui Tengfei had been laughing loudly atop his horse, enjoying the show.

With a sense of defeat Zimo lazily hung off the side of the cart and tried to remember how he ended up in this state.

Last night he asked for a sip of wine. LongWei agreed but before he could Cui Tengfei shoved a cup full of the sour, pungent, and warm wine into his mouth. "What happened after that... I can't remember." He had blacked out after just one cup. A cup he was forcefully fed by Cui Tengfei.

Zimo gave Cui Tengfei a death glare. "It's all your fault." He decided to put all the blame on the annoying laughing guy.

What's wrong? Why do you look like you want to kill me?" Cui Tengfei asked innocently.

Zimo then grabbed a piece of large bamboo and threw it at  Cui Tengfei.

Missing by quite a lot the amused Cui Tengfei burst into laughter once more. Whereas Zimo sunk back under the quilt irritated.


Zimo had somehow managed to fall asleep once more. When he woke up again, they had reached the house and LongWei was currently carrying inside.

"Baby, how do you feel? He asked concerned.

Zimo's headache had calmed a lot and the nausea was gone. Hearing LongWei speak he wrapped his arms around his neck and said in an aggrieved tone, "Uncomfortable."

With that one word LongWei felt distressed. He wanted to help Zimo, but there wasn't much he could do. He placed Zimo on the kang bed and left again to get the hangover drink once more.

Seeing the familiar drink Zimo grimaced.

"Baby, I know it smells bad, but I swear it will help. Try it please." LongWei said as he once again handed the drink to Zimo.

Zimo was more cooperative this time and chugged the solution. This action was followed by nausea that luckily passed quickly.

"Lay down, I'm going to go start the stove and prepare some porridge for you to eat." LongWei said as he pushed Zimo into bed.


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