Chapter 82: Food (part 2)

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After testing the soap, LongWei came out of the kitchen with Zimo's nourishing medicine. The weather was getting colder and He hadn't had it for several days.

Looking at the medicine Zimo was clearly displeased. However, he didn't put up his usual resistance. LongWei was surprised, but realized it might be because there was a guest.

"Zimo, Cui Tengfei and I are going to visit the bamboo forest. We will need a lot of bamboo to make many of the traps. While we are gone, you can take a nap." LongWei said.

"I won't sleep. I want to sort the cellar and prepare the meat and we bought in town." Zimo mentioned.

LongWei was a hunter, so they naturally had a lot of wild game. But to make flavourful bone broth or juicy meat buns and dumplings, Pork was preferred. They bought a whole pigs worth of bones, belly fat, and some lard. It was very expensive, but Zimo planned to make bacon and both smoked and salted bones ore and use later in winter.

He thought about buying a pig, but they didn't have the money this year. In fact, almost their entire budget was spend on jars for his many concoctions, and linen such as clothes and quilts. They also picked up the wolf pelt from the tanner to use on the kang, sugar, salt and new grains made available after the recent harvest.

"Okay, but if you feel tired don't push yourself and take a nap." LongWei said. He then went out with Cui Tengfei to gather bamboo and survey the area. With so many traps planned they needed to make a proper plan otherwise they would risk getting hurt themselves.


The afternoon went quickly. It was fall and the days were becoming shorter and colder.

Zimo had been hard at work in the cellar. He placed the different jars on their respective shelves. The far left wall was full of jars. Most were filled with different preserved condiments, while others were empty awaiting to be used.

The far right was where Zimo stored the meats. They smoked and dried different meats. Not just because Zimo liked eating meat, but because of the wolf pups. They were obviously big meat eaters. Zimo tried not to give them the salted meats and preferred the smoked meat because it was healthier for them.

Closest to the door on the left were the dried fruits and vegetables. Zimo was afraid of lacking nutrition in winter so he dried many. They weren't as tasty as fresh, but it would help supplement their diet. The spices and herb were especially cared for. Zimo also placed the sugar and salt in this corner.

Next was the right side. This had the grains from rice, to flour made from wheat.

Looking at the filled cellar Zimo felt extremely satisfied. "I bet there is no one as prepared for winter as us." Zimo thought. The idea of cold storage wasn't completely a foreign concept. Nobles apparently used something similar to store ice for the summer, but it was definitely uncommon for a common villager to have one.

After he finished sorting the cellar, Zimo prepared dinner. He decided to prepare make fried food. They bought a lot of lard so he could satisfy his craving for crispy fried pork belly and vegetables.

Zimo couldn't use the stove, so he simply prepared the vegetables and meat to cook. Washing, cutting, rehydrating the vegetables. Than making the batter. An egg wash, plus a mix of flour and a little millet.

When LongWei returned the sun had already begun to set Zimo quickly pushed him over to the table to instruct him on his newest recipe.

"You want me to bowl it in lard?" LongWei asked with wariness. Lard didn't have the best flavour. And to boil using it seemed a bit excessive.

"Yes, you need to make sure the lard is very, very hot. If it's not boiling it won't cook properly. After adding the foods wait until they turn a golden brown. If it's black or too dark it's burnt and won't taste good." Zimo continued excited at the prospect of eating fried food.

"This sounds interesting, but why don't you cook it? You seem to know how." Cui Tengfei asked Zimo.

"Zimo has a severe fear of fire." LongWei stated briefly.

Hearing LongWei's words and looking at Zimo who quickly lowered his head. Cui Tengfei didn't pursue the conversation. Instead he changed it. "So this deep frying or whatever you call it. Is it delicious?"

Successfully distracted, Zimo said, "Yes, it's very delicious, but you shouldn't eat too much or you'll get fat from all the lard." Zimo said as he reminisced about the taste.


LongWei followed Zimo directions and soon returned with several bowls full of golden brown crispy food. From the pork belly, to the vegetables. It all looked delicious. Zimo also prepared a dipping sauce.

One was a mix of fish sauce, sugar, ginger, and salt. The other had Sichuan paste. Unlike the dried peppers Zimo made this by fermenting the fresh peppers for a stronger taste.

"Delicious! Man I feel like I haven't properly lived. This is amazing! Little fox, no food god Zimo, it has been my greatest luck meeting you." Cui Tengfei exclaimed as he comically bowed his head towards Zimo.

Even LongWei had to admit it was delicious and simple to make. Although using so much lard, it wasn't cheap. He was willing to make more in the future.

"Mm. The vegetables that were rehydrated are a little gritty, but it's tastier than putting them in a stir fry." Zimo said as he enjoyed some fried dried eggplant.

When dinner was finished and they washed everything the sun had set and the room became very dark. Tomorrow would be the new moon, so the light outside was nearly non-existent.

Cui Tengfei was about to ask where the lantern or candle was to light the room, when he remembered Zimo's fear of fire. "He can't be afraid of a little flame could he?" He wondered.

"Cui Tengfei, Zimo and I will be calling it a night. Feel free to make yourself comfortable in here like you did last night." LongWei said before following Zimo to bed with the three wolf pups.

Cui Tengfei wasn't used to sleeping so early, but there was nothing he could say. He was a guest and he wanted to stay in Zimo's good side otherwise he wouldn't get any spices or soap.

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