Chapter 143: Plans to Visit Town

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The braised pork belly was a big hit with everyone. Yi Lei did mention wanted it a little spicier, but over all they enjoyed the tender sauce covered fatty pork belly with a bowl of steaming rice. Along with the pork belly LongWei also made some pork vegetable soup and stir fried vegetables.

Now that the soldiers were there he didn't have to worry about finishing all of the meat and could feed Zimo more vegetables. Although they were starting to run out.

"Zimo, we might need to make some time and go down the mountain soon." LongWei said as they ate dinner.

"You guys need to head to town? Is it because we're eating to much? If it is don't worry about us. We are satisfied with even just half of this." Kong Huizhong said.

"It's not that. There is a lot of meat we need to get rid of, so I'm thankful if you could help us with that. I'm more worried about our vegetable stocks. We have plenty to last  until late spring, but they are mostly dried or pickled. It would be nice if we could get something a little fresher. We also have to buy some seeds to start preparing for our own garden and run a few other errands." LongWei explained not only to Zimo but the soldiers who'd be staying with them over the next month.

"A garden huh? It's definitely time to start preparing the seedling for planting. The mountain is colder then the plains so you have a little more leeway, but it's best to start sooner than later." Xu Qingsheng said strangely serious.

"If it's planting crops Xu Qingsheng should know what he's talking about. He comes from a family of farmers. They also raised a few pigs and chickens." Kong Huizhong said affirming that Xu Qingfeng's advice was reliable.

"You didn't want to be a farmer?" Zimo asked curiously.

"No, thee are five boys in my family with everyone getting married and having kids. It was getting harder to make enough to support everyone from just farming. Therefore, to ease the burden I decided to join the army, and to be honest it was the best decision I ever made." Xu Qingsheng said laughing as usual.

"If you don't mind we'd like to ask for your advice on the garden." LongWei said. He also came from a family of farmers, but to be honest they weren't great at it. They only grew rice like the other villagers. His father was also preoccupied with gambling to take care of it and left most of the work to his older brother and mother.

As for vegetables they had a small plot of land to grow them, but Zimo hadn't paid it much attention. He was also gone for several years while in the army.

"When do you want to head down?" Chang Shaoqing asked.

"If it's today or tomorrow we can go with you and help carry any stuff back." Kong Huizhong said. They had planned out their surveillance and other work earlier and would ah e time to spare.

"I'd like to catch a deer or maybe even a boar to sell before heading down. Also Zimo with spring coming, you'll need to prepare a new recipe for Han Fengge's restaurant according to the deal."LongWei said.

"If it's a new recipe why not teach them this braised pork belly. It's delicious and not something I've had before." Chang Shaoqing suggested.

Zimo gave his suggestion some thought. It would work, all the ingredients are easy enough for the restaurant to get and the chef cold adjust the spiciness to offer several different version from sweet, regular, and spicy. The ingredients used are also the Sichuan spice and fish sauce that is currently unique to the restaurant.

"Is pork popular to eat in the spring?" Zimo asked still unsure.

"Pork is popular all year round." Yi Lei said confidently.

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