Chapter 12: What's Next

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As Zimo slept, LongWei began to consider what they would do next. If it was just him, living as he did before the accident would be fine. However, now he had to think about Zimo. He didn't want Zimo to have to live in this house even one day longer. He wanted to take him away and make him feel safe and happy.


As he pondered this, his stomach started to grumble a little. LongWei had always been independent and often cooked for himself when in the military or while on the mountain.

He looked at Zimo who was asleep and gently slipped his hand out of his grasp.

Standing up he made his way towards the kitchen. Each step felt heavy and his body swayed with a stiffness he had never felt before. Using the wall to help himself over to the kitchen, LongWei prepared to cook some porridge .

Looking around, he saw a basket full of buns covered in mud. LongWei frowned,
"Is this why Zimo was hurt today? Tch..."

LongWei looked through the kitchen pulling out some rice and dried meat. He wondered when was the last time ZiMo had eaten meat or until full. Recalling how he would chant some days.

"One for you, one for me, two for you one for me,..." Zimo would chant as he fed him. It was clear Zimo was not eating enough, but he still prioritized my meals above his own.

"Don't worry little birdy, I'll let you eat your fill from today on."

LongWei first prepared the fire and started boiling some water from the well. The meat was quite old. Looking at it, it seemed to be all that was left from the last time he went hunting on the mountain. At that time he caught four rabbits, a roe deer, and a pheasant.

LongWei had learned how to hunt from his comrades in arms, and spend most of his days up on the mountain hunting. He didn't want to stay in the house and look at that Taoist brother of his.
The family was never the best. They had a lot of vices, but before he left for the army, they still did things above the law. But after he left, their morality seemed to slip further and further. All the money he had sent them was being spent on booze and gambling.

At that time LongWei was so angry. He wanted to just turn around and walk back to the military, forgetting about this family. However his mother had begged him not to leave. She said she would pay closer attention to his brothers and father, and that they would not spend his money on such things anymore.

He reluctantly agree, and went up the mountain to build a small house to use while hunting. He would only leave in the house when he came down the mountain to sell the animals he hunted.

Recalling his original plan, he thought about whether Zimo would be able to live up on the mountain with him.

Zimo had spoken to him one night about his dream to live quietly on a mountain when he was younger, so he shouldn't be against it. The problem was neither of them were in the best shape right now. It would be difficult to go up the mountain, but maybe...

"If I had a horse, and we followed the stream we should be able to reach the cabin. The path is long but smooth, so it should be possible."

As LongWei contemplated the feasibility of his plan the porridge had finished cooking. He had made a lot and it was full of rice and the scent of meat.

LongWei returned to the room carrying the whole pot of porridge and some bowls and spoons for himself and Zimo.

When he entered the room he saw Zimo curled up on the bed looking distressed.

"Is he having a nightmare?" LongWei wondered as he watched Zimo's pained expression and laboured breathing.

Not knowing whether to wake him up or not, LongWei placed the things down on the small table by the bed and approached Zimo, when suddenly Zimo jerked up in a cold sweat.

He placed his hand over his bare, white chest and calmed his breathing. Once calm he finally looked around the room and noticed LongWei by his side. When he saw him a large toothy smile appeared on his face. The beautiful and large eyes curved like crescent moons , and two small dimples appeared in his delicate cheeks.

LongWei was stunned, he had never been interested in others or been captivated by their beauty. However right now, looking at Zimo under light cascading through the window he finally understood.

"Dear, your really awake. I'm so glad." Zimo said in a soft voice that could barely be heard. But LongWei could hear him, he could always hear him.

"Um." LongWei expounded with a stiff nod.


"Wow! What smells so good?" Zimo wore a surprised face with a little drool at the corner of his mouth as he looked at the pot of porridge on the little table.

"Change your clothes first, then we can eat and discuss what comes next when you've eaten your fill." LongWei said. He was never someone who spoke a lot. He preferred to use his fists than words.

"Ugh?! Can I really eat this?... wow! Thank you dear."

While he did this Zimo, wrapped tightly in the quilt shifted over to the box with his clothed.

"Don't look, okay?" LongWei nodded and turned around, but not before he had noted the deep purple and crimson marks scattered across his pale, thin body. Seeing this his heart ache, but his determination to protect Zimo also grew stronger.

When Zimo was finished dressing he turned and saw LongWei scoop some porridge into a bowl and carefully stirred in until it cooled enough to eat.

Zimo watched LongWei's every movement filling him with a warmth deep in his heart.

The two ate quietly, but it wasn't awkward, it was a meal filled with warmth.

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