Chapter 109: Trade

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The next morning, Zimo and LongWei packed what they needed and travelled down the mountain. It's was still early and with the tree cover the forest looked a little dark and ominous.

"Feels like a haunted forest." Zimo commented as he followed behind LongWei.

"Don't worry, if anything appears I'll do my best to protect you well." LongWei reassured.

"How can you protect em from something like a ghost? They have no physical form and can pop out out of nowhere." Zimo joked.

"Hm. Your right, but I'll find a way." LongWei said confidently.

"How can you be so confident without a plan?" Zimo asked in disbelief.

"It's not that I don't have a plan. My plan is simply to do whatever is needed. One example is to hold the ghost back while you escape. I can also try reasoning with the ghost. It was human before it died. There are many things I can try." LongWei explained.

"I won't escape. If something happens we stick together. You need to find a way for us to survive together." Zimo said with conviction.

Looking at Zimo's expression their little joke ended a little more serious than originally planned. LongWei gave it some thought before finally saying,

"Baby, don't worry. We will always be together." As he spoke he wrapped his arm around Zimo and gave him a sweet kiss on the forehead.

Feeling happy with LongWei's statement Zimo leaned in close as they continued walking forward in the dark forest.


As they approached the base of the mountain the trees became more sparse. With the sun shining in the sky Zimo and LongWei's pace quickened.


From afar LongWei could hear some laughter. It sounded like a group of women might be chatting as they gather some plants.

The wolves also noticed the sound and with ears pointed high looked in the direction the sound came from.

"LongWei is their something over there?" Zimo asked. He couldn't hear anything himself, but quickly noticed the odd behaviour.

"I can hear some laughter and chatting in the distance. It's probably some women gathering plants or other things." LongWei said nonchalantly. He didn't have much interest and continued to head down the mountain.

Unfortunately the women seemed to be travelling in their direction and they soon met up with the group.

This wouldn't be a problem except when the women saw Zimo's furry family members who had grown quite big at this point the women screamed.

"Kyahh!" Screaming a middle aged woman who then fell to the ground in fear. Next to her was a younger woman who quickly grabbed hold of her cowering. The other two women turned and ran away dropping their baskets.

Zimo and LongWei were both shocked by the exaggerated reactions. They had never had a problem bringing the wolves into town before.

Although the wolves did have to stay in the mule cart. Seeing their cute little heads poke up from the back wasn't as threatening as seeing them standing together in the forest.

The younger woman soon noticed LongWei and Zimo standing not far away and yelled.

"Save us!"

LongWei looked at the dramatic scene the two women were displaying and chose to simply ignore it and continue moving forward.

"Wait, save us! We don't want to die." She screamed once more. LongWei continued to ignore them and rushed Zimo forward. Zimo on the other hand was stunned.

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