Chapter 37: HIRING HELP

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As they travelled down the mountain, they were much more careful. LongWei didn't want to risk Zimo having heatstroke, so the would rest every hour in a shady area and drink. This plus the injured goat and roe deer they brought with them slowed them down by a lot. When they finally reached the Li's house the sun had started to set.

Knock... knock

LongWei yelled, "It's Yuan LongWei and Zimo." Old man Li quickly came and opened the gate hearing the familiar names.

" Why did you come back so soon? It's only been half a month again. If your going to keep coming down every two weeks you might as well just live in the village." Old man Li joked. He had heard from Mrs Li that LongWei wanted to stay in the mountains for Zimo's health.

"It's not without gifts." LongWei said pointing at the roe deer.

"Hahaha! Wonderful. Come in quick, Mrs Li was just about to put dinner on the table.

Seeing Zimo again Mrs Li immediately moved to touch his forehead and examine his face. He hadn't gained any weight, but his complexion was rosy and the temperature was normal.

"Good, you look much better than last time." She said, nodding her head in approval.

"Don't worry, I've made sure he rests properly and careful of the sun this time. I won't make the same mistakes twice." LongWei reassured her with a smile. He might not have been home during the days recently, but he still limited how much Zimo could do so he wouldn't overwork himself.

"What brings you back down the mountain?" Old man Li asked as they sat down for dinner. They didn't have much prepared, not expecting company, so Mrs Li returned to the kitchen to whip up some more rice and vegetable soup for Zimo.

"I need to hire eight strong men and an ox cart." LongWei said.

Surprised old man Li asked, "what for?"

"Zimo and I have decided to build ma new house up in the mountains, something that's stronger and able to withstand a winter." He said.

"Winter?! You aren't planning on spending the winter up there, are you?" Old man Li couldn't believe was he was being told.

"Zimo and I have talked about it. With this new house design we won't need to worry about the cold. If we plan well, gather and store food. It's not impossible. It might even be more comfortable than living down here in the village." LongWei explained.

"If you're so sure, I won't be able to say anything to change your mind. Just know, that if things get bad you can come here. Your always welcome." Old man Li said.

The four ate and discussed how to get everything they would need for the job. They decided to hire the eight men first to cut the trees and gather the mud and stones, then a month before the fall harvest they would gather the men again to build the house. At this time the weather would start to cool, but they would still have enough time for the walls to dry before completely moving in.

"Thinking about what you need. Zimo, I've made some of those tools you asked for. The iron shovel, and pot you wanted are done. Tomorrow I can show you and you can tell me what you think." Old man Li said.

"Really, that's great. If the shovel is done it will make building the house foundation so much easier. Thank you" Zimo said. He was surprised old man li had finished them so soon.

"No need for thanks. I tried it out the other day and that shovel really is easier to use. I decided to make a few more. Zimo, when I sell them I'll give you a split." Old man Li said laughing.

"You don't need to give me anything. You did all the work." Zimo replied waving his hands.

"What do you mean I don't. It was your design, I can't be stealing it and not giving you anything in return." Old man Li said seriously.

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