Chapter 87: Misunderstood

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After dressing LongWei carried Zimo out of the bedroom to the toilet. After finishing his business, Zimo asked about the soldiers.

"Dear, weren't you supposed to pick up Cui Tengfei's men? Where are they?" Zimo asked curiously. He also looked for Chen, the little wolf hadn't returned since he left earlier, and Chong had moved from the bedroom door to the main door of the house.

"I ran ahead. They should be arriving soon." LongWei guessed.

Zimo gave a coquettish smile as he asked, "You ran ahead. Was it because you couldn't wait to see me?"


The tender moment was put to an end when the sound of the wolves growling echoed in the room.

"That might be them. dear, let's go see." Zimo said patting LongWei on the shoulder as he stretched his neck to see the door.

LongWei, however continued to head towards the bedroom. "Lay down first. I will introduce you to them later."

"No, I don't want to meet them while in bed like an invalid." Zimo complained.

"Your sick and hurt. Be good and stay in bed." LongWei said.

"I'll be good and sit nicely on the couch. You can even bring the quilt out to wrap me up. But I don't want to be stuck in bed." Zimo said as he showed a dejected face.

"Please!" He pleaded.

LongWei begrudgingly agreed as he placed Zimo on the couch and went to the bedroom to get some quilts.

"Chong, Chu, relax they are our guests. Chong be good and go get Chen. Have him escort the guests inside." Zimo commanded.

The wolves were all very intelligent and listened to Zimo's instructions well.

Soon Chong and Chen entered the room followed by five rough men.

LongWei was currently expertly wrapping Zimo up tight in several quilts.

"Whoa! This place is awesome!" Xu  Qingsheng exclaimed as he entered the house. Followed by Chen snapping at his ankles.

"Yikes, these pups sure are ferocious." He commented as he laughed aloud.

"Chen come here." Zimo called.

"Hello." Zimo said trying to be polite. The soldiers were there to help them, thus he tried being a good host.

"Hello. You must be Zhang Zimo. Yuan LongWei told us about you. My name is Kong Huizhong." The older man said as he approached Zimo.

"So your Zimo? I heard your awesome with food. Do you think you could teach me some things? I love eating delicious food. The restaurant we went to praised you for your amazing skill as a chef and when I heard that you wouldn't believe how excited I was. " Chang Shaoqing said, pushing Kong Huizhong out of the way.

Shocked Zimo didn't know what to say.

"Speak slower and don't yell." LongWei warned with a stern face.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. My name is Chang Shaoqing. I'm usually in charge of logistics, and my passion is food. I'm looking forward to staying here." Chang Shaoqing said as politely as he could manage.

"It's okay. I'm Zhang Zimo, and these are our pet wolves, Chen, Chong, and Chu."

"They're wolves? Tan Yan asked with a light shinning in his eyes. The young man was serious and professional, but had one weakness; animals.

"Don't worry, they are very smart and well behaved." Zimo reassured as he patted Chu who was on sitting next to him.

"Zimo, I'm going to start the heating and make something for you to eat." LongWei said planning to go to the kitchen quickly.

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