Chapter 142: MPREG?!

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As dinner approached Chang Shaoqing and LongWei entered the kitchen to cook the side dishes. Some rice, vegetable stir fry, and using the spicy hotpot broth from lunch LongWei made a noodle soup with vegetables and scrap pork shoulder and boar they cut up earlier.

It wasn't anything fancy for Zimo and LongWei, but to the soldiers it was a feast. It wasn't often they could eat so much meat in a single meal. They had actually saved a lot of money together so they could buy the pork and chickens in town earlier. Hearing LongWei mention needing to finish off their leftover frozen meat was the greatest words ever spoken. "This mission was the best!" They all thought internally.

LongWei also reheated some of the bone broth to make a milder soup for Zimo. According to LongWei it would be better for him not too eat too much of the spicy dishes or he'd get a stomach ache. Normally Zimo would complain, but his mind was still running wild from Xu Qingsheng mentioning pregnancy earlier.

"I"be read a lot of transmigration novels. I've also written a few myself. The mpreg tag isn't uncommon in the BL world. But it wasn't my forte. If I remember there were three types. One was the ger. This type had three types of gender. The man who couldn't get pregnant and was just like men in my original world and tend to be bigger and stronger. Then, there were women, who as expected could get pregnant. It was usually written that they had a better chance at getting pregnant as well. The last, was the ger. These men were smaller and could get pregnant like women."

Zimo looked at his own body and his face paled. He certainly fit the description of a ger. But he never heard anyone mention different types of men and he didn't have any marks or parts on his body that might suggest he could have babies.

Zimo shook his head in denial. "If there are ger's I should have heard about them a long time ago. Also I don't remember seeing any other male and male couples." Zimo thought.

The second type of mpreg was the more realistic type, whee the man is actually a hermaphrodite. But he didn't have any female parts, so he quickly dismissed the idea.

The last was the more magical version. The one where the author didn't really explain how the MC or ML got pregnant or used obscure or fantastical reasoning or idea. This could be the case with him and LongWei.

To be honest he always thought it was strange how no one questioned or looked at him and LongWei strangely despite them being a male and male married couple.

"If this world really is mpreg it would explain why gay relationships are so easily accepted." Zimo placed his hand over his stomach. "Having LongWei's baby. It's honestly terrifying. Childbirth and pregnancy are not easy and it's supposed to be super painful. Can I handle something like that?"


While Zimo continued to question his understanding of the world and whether he could handle being pregnant, dinner was finished. LongWei entered the bedroom to get Zimo.

Seeing Zimo lost in thought, LongWei curiously asked. "Baby, what are you thinking about?"

Surprised by LongWei's sudden appearance, Zimo didn't 'wow what to say. He hadn't reached a conclusion about the pregnancy.

"Nothing, just... just thinking about the future." Zimo finally said after hesitating. LongWei listened to his answer and couldn't help but wonder what was wrong.


  Before LongWei could ask Zimo what was bothering him, Zimo's stomach made its presence known. With a light chuckle LongWei placed his hand on Zimo's grumbling stomach. "Looks like the little monster in here is hungry." He joked. Yet for Zimo, LongWei's words weren't a joke, but a euphemism for their unborn child. Leading Zimo to slightly panic and move closer to accepting that this world was mpreg.

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