Chapter 105: Home (NSFW)

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They left a little late from town, but decided to risk travelling at night. They both just wanted a peaceful night alone at home.

By the time they finally reached home, the sun had already set. The night before was a full moon. Tonight was also brightly lit by the beautiful glow lighting the way ahead.

Zimo was feeling tired. He simply raised his hand up to the moon and smiled.

"Baby, are you happy?" LongWei asked as he kissed him on the top of the head.

Zimo nodded as he faced LongWei with his big eyes. "Dear, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" LongWei asked.

"Everything." Zimo answered sincerely with two little dimples adorning his cheeks.

LongWei was surprised by the sudden confession. He simply looked at Zimo, love filling his eyes.

The mood was sweet and filled with pink bubbles. Silently they returned home and prepared for bed.

"Dear, I... I want to take a bath." Zimo said as he played with the ring around his left finger with a sweet blush staining his cheeks.

LongWei looked at Zimo a little surprised, but also with great anticipation. "Okay baby." He said as he quickly moved to get the bath ready.

While LongWei prepared the bath, Zimo fed the little tiger cub and made a nest for him in the wolf out beds placed in the living area. They wouldn't be sleeping together tonight.

"Babies, take care of little Bay. Make sure he stays nice and warm." Zimo said as he placed little Bay in the quilt next to Chu. The three cubs liked to sleep together in a big basket lined with quilts.

When he finished LongWei called out from inside the bedroom, "Baby, the bath is ready."

Hearing LongWei's words, Zimo's face instantly turned red. He had initiated the nights activities, but this did not lessen his nervousness.


Entering the bedroom Zimo was immediately shocked to see LongWei already in the tub.

"Sorry dear, I thought you said it was ready for me. I'll go out and wait for my turn." Zimo stuttered as he moved to leave the room. However before he could LongWei reached out and took his arm.

"Baby, let's take a bath together." LongWei said with a smirk.

Zimo turned to look at LongWei with innocent eyes.

"That's, the tub is too small and I'm really dirty. I..."

"Baby,can I use my second anytime, anywhere chances?" LongWei asked he gently pulled Zimo closer.

"The tub is really too small." Zimo muttered.

"We won't go all the way. Just sit and relax together. I'll help you carefully wash. When we are done we can enjoy ourselves to the end in bed." LongWei whispered in Zimo's ear his hot breath tickling his ear.

"Ah, no! The water, it's..."

"Relax, baby. Your too tight." LongWei said as he inserted a second finger.

"Hyah!" Zimo exclaimed as the thick fingers massaged him from deep inside. As LongWei stretched and rubbed him inside Zimo's body grew hotter in anticipation.

"Dear, the front." Zimo whimpered anxious for relief wrapping his arms around LongWei's neck.

"Wait a little longer, baby."

"Dear...ah!" Zimo said as his hips swayed rubbing his hot member against LongWei's muscular abs.

LongWei's mind went blank from Zimo's aggressive behaviour. He grabbed Zimo's thighs and lifted him out of the tub carrying him directly to the kang.

"Hold tight, my impatient little birdie." LongWei teased as he positioned himself deep inside Zimo.

Being filled by LongWei's hit and thick member caused his mind to go blank. Gasping for breath he looked at LongWei water threatening to fall from the corners at any moment.

LongWei moved slowly as he kissed Zimo's face, neck and ears. Remembering to breath, Zimo loosened and started to feel the ecstasy that only came from being connected with LongWei.

"Baby, I'm going to move deeper." LongWei said his breath quickening.

Zimo nodded as he prepared to receive all of LongWei.

Once all in LongWei thrust in and out faster and deeper hitting Zimo's most sensitive area.
The room filled with Zimo's moans as LongWei brought him closer to the edge.

"Tou...touch me..." Zimo begged.

LongWei leaned down to passionately kiss Zimo. His tongue exploring every part. His hand then moved to Zimo's member. He first teased the tip with his thick rough fingers, before wrapping the around the shaft.

As he rubbed Zimo's hot twitching member, LongWei thrust fast and deep. His eyes stared down at Zimo burning with hunger and desire.

"Co..coming!" Zimo moaned as he and LongWei climaxed together.


Drowning in the afterglow, Zimo lay on the bed out of breath. "Baby." LongWei whispered as he lay next to Zimo and nuzzled Zimo's neck.

"Hm..." Zimo hummed. Suddenly feeling LongWei grow harder as he pressed up close.


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