Chaoter 58: Dream

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It had been six days since LongWei agreed to meet with his father at the village leader's home. There they would agree to separate the family. To achieve his goal, LongWei needed money.

"Dear, is there enough money to satisfy your father?" Zimo questioned. He knew Father Yuan was a gambler and drunk. To support such vices would be costly.

"Hm. I plan on hunting deep in the forest. If I can get a roe deer it will give a generous amount of money to negotiate with." LongWei had been making arrangements while Zimo remained at home ill. With multiple traps set up, he most likely would not have difficulty making several tens of silver.

"Will you come home before dark?" Zimo asked. LongWei had always made certain to be home by dark to sleep with him. This helped Zimo feel secure and kept the nightmares at bay. The difficulty with this is not being able to travel deeper into the mountain where the larger more valuable prey lived.

"If I wish to obtain the larger prey like deer, it would be better to spend the night camping in the forest. Baby, It's your choice." LongWei did not wish for Zimo to suffer in any way, but the fact that his father would ask for an enormous amount of money in order to allow their separation from the family was a fact. Despite this, if Zimo disagreed he would forgo the better opportunity and simply hunt closer to the home.

Zimo naturally understood LongWei's intention. He did feel well at the thought of spending the night without LongWei. However, Zimo needed to put aside his immediate needs and focus on the future benefits.

"Don't worry about me dear. I have the three little wolf pups to keep me company. It's best for you to camp out and hunt larger prey." Zimo said as he held LongWei's hand in his.

"Listen to you."

LongWei did not waste anytime. That afternoon he quickly prepared his hunting gear and set off. They had decided it would be more promising if he left this afternoon allowing him the possibility to stay out for three days, two nights. Zimo sent LongWei off with a kiss.

"Dear, be careful. You absolutely must come back safe. I'm waiting for you." Zimo said as he straightened LongWei's collar.

"Hm. I promise to come back safely soon." LongWei, placing a tender kiss on Zimo forehead said before leaving through the gate.


While LongWei was gone hunting Zimo was not idle. He decided to continue building the wall. The rain storm the previous day had washed away part of the wall that hadn't had enough time to harden previously. The sun was brightly shining in the sky and the wolf pups frolicked through the grass chasing butterflies as Zimo applied mud to the wall.

In the afternoon, Zimo decided to cool off with a swim. LongWei had previously thought him how to swim and Zimo had taken to the water like a fish.

"Safety first, LongWei will never forgive me if I don't use the safety line he prepared for me." Zimo said as he tied a thick rope around his thin tender waist. The water was well over his head extending over two meters down. When swimming or approaching the river LongWei insisted on Zimo tying himself to a tree.

It looked odd, but if Zimo's leg cramped or the water flow changed, he could use the rope to pull himself back up on shore. LongWei had also built him a bamboo and stone ladder, or perhaps steps would be more appropriate. He could use these to easily enter and exit the water.

Floating at the waters surface, Zimo enjoyed the cool refreshing feeling while listening to the birds in the distance signing atop the trees and the wolf pups slept soundly at the edge of the water. It was a peaceful afternoon.

After, Zimo's swim, he decided to start loading the cart with some dried fruit. Previously when he sold the fruit, although he hadn't sold them for much money, he did receive some. Thinking every coin counts Zimo packed a large amount of fruit into the cart.

Keeping busy all day, he naturally felt sleepy at night. Laying in bed holding the fluffy wolf pups Zimo closed his eyes. As he suspected he soon began to dream.

Zimo found himself in a dark space. There was no light or sound, it was darkness a deep cold darkness. "Where am I?" Zimo called out. An echo reverberate as the sound of Zimo's voice travelled further through the darkness. Looking to escape the frigid black space, ZiMo walked forward.

Zimo walked for what felt like ages. As he walked he seemed to grow bigger, it was a strange and difficult feeling to describe. He could not see around himself nor could he see his own body due to the all encompassing darkness. However the feeling of growing taller with each step felt very distinct and real.

From one point his body began to experience pain. The back stung with the illusion of being hit with a cane of bamboo swatch. The hands ached with the pain of breaking a fall over rough, sharp stones. Every step forward became increasingly more difficult to take. Despite this Zimo continued to move forward. He felt deep in his heart, that if he endured the pain a light will appear.

Time passed, when suddenly Zimo hit a wall. The wall was cold and smooth to the touch. Touching the wall with his finger tips it felt like ice. Zimo wanted to continue moving forward, tracing the wall with his hands Zimo moved along side it, never reaching an end or change.

"I can't go around, but I need to reach the other side something wonderful is on the other side. I can feel it." He thought as he started to explore different methods of crossing the wall. The wall stretched endless in both directions.

"If I can't go around let's try over." He thought as he stretch his arms high hoping to feel the edge of the wall. Without success Zimo began to jump. "Just a little further, he thought as he jumped high. He tried jumping straight up but failed. Then, he attempted running and using the wall as a step to propel himself further up. Failing miserably with each venture. He Ch and tactics once more.

"If I can't go over let's go under." He felt down towards the ground. Unlike the wall the ground was soil. He dug using his bare hands. The soil was filled with sharp stones and Zimo could feel the stones as the cut and tore through the skin on his hands. Not giving up Zimo dug deep into the ground trying to find the an end to the solid wall of ice in front of him.

The whole grew deeper. Zimo did not halt his attempt at digging under the wall. Eventually Zimo had dug a whole deep enough for a grown man to stand comfortable. Trembling with exhaustion Zimo desperately wanted to rest. However in his heart he felt if he rested he would never make it across the wall. Leaning down and with his bloody hands he proceeded to dig. Suddenly there was a light. The light was dim bit extremely warm. Witnessing the small light, Zimo gained a burst of energy and frantically dug revealing more and more of the light.

"LongWei." He subconsciously whispered under his breath.


Suddenly Zimo woke up. He was in bed with the three little wolf pups curled up in their favourite positions. Chong exposing his belly while laying against his lower back, Chen resting his cool wet nose against his exposed chest, and Chu nuzzling Zimo tender neck. Feeling the warmth from the pups and seeing the light from the sunrise, Zimo relaxed.

"LongWei dear, come back soon. I miss you." He whispered aloud.


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