Chapter 118: Search

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The next day, Zimo didn't wake up until late in the afternoon. Feeling drained he simply lay there staring up at the ceiling.

LongWei wasn't around, but tiger Bay and wolf pup Chu were snuggled up on the bed with him. Noticing Zimo was awake Chu whimpered and nudged Zimo's hand.

"Chu, Bay, where is everyone?" Zimo asked aloud with a hoarse voice.

They both looked at Zimo tilting their heads in confusion. Dissatisfied by their answer Zimo stiffly rolled over. It had been awhile since his body felt so sore after spending a passionate night with his husband.

Zimo quickly lost his willpower to move and gave up on looking for anyone. "He'll come back soon." Zimo thought as he patted Chu on the head.

He wasn't wrong either. LongWei did return. He came back with some porridge and warm water. Seeing Zimo awake, LongWei smiled.

"Baby, you're awake. How do you feel?" He asked gently.

"Beast. When are you going to learn to be gentler?" Zimo complained his voice cracking from the strain.

"Haven't I been careful recently? Last night, was a minor slip. Forgive me?" LongWei asked.

Zimo glared back.

"Move over a little and I will massage your back and hips. You'll feel better soon.

"Next time you want me to take the initiative, I'll take it all the way, and you can be the one laying in bed all day." Zimo thought as he continued to glare at LongWei.

LongWei didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the puffy cheeks Zimo had while glaring at him. He really had been careful to restrain himself recently. However maybe it was the full moon the night before, he couldn't control himself and they both indulged themselves late into the night.

After thoroughly massaging Zimo LongWei handed Zimo the porridge. "It a little and you can take the medicine after." LongWei said.

"What medicine? I'm fine, why do I need to take medicine?" Zimo said, his mood souring again quickly.

You had a small fever again this morning. You also need to take the nourishing medicine the doctor prescribed regularly. Don't fight me on this." LongWei explained. Zimo's health had finally improved from earlier, he couldn't risk it taking a turn for the worse.

Unhappy with having to take medicine Zimo's puffed up cheeks remained as he started to eat the porridge. The warm food filled his stomach and eased his mood. While eating Zimo looked around. "Where's Chen and Chong?" He asked. They didn't often leave his side.

"I'm not sure. This morning when I went out to milk the goat and check on the other animals they followed along. I haven't seen them come back since." LongWei said, not very concerned.

"How can you not worry after they've been gone for over half a day? Hurry and go call them." Zimo complained pushing LongWei out of bed.

"Don't worry baby, they're wolves. They'll be fine." LongWei comforted. However Zimo was not convinced and threatened.

"Find them or I won't take my medicine."

LongWei wanted to reject at first, but Zimo was very bad at taking his medicine. If finding the annoying wolves could make it easier, then he would happily do it.


LongWei went out in search of the missing wolf pups. He didn't think it would take too long. After all, Zimo was right about them always being close by.

He first started by walking around the fence. Occasionally whistling, as he looked hoping they would soon come rushing over. They didn't listen to him, but Zimo had trained them to always come if he or LongWei whistled.

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