Chapter 119: Late

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"Where are they?" Zimo wondered. LongWei had gone out to find the wolf pups Chen and Chong. That was several hours ago.

"They should be back by now. Chu, Bay, do you think they are okay?" Zimo was becoming increasingly anxious as he paced around the room.

It wasn't until he was on the verge of crying that Chu finally perked up his ears. He usually only did this when someone or something was nearby.

Without much thought Zimo rushed out the door, poorly clothed. When LongWei turned back after closing the gate he was greeted by this disheveled Zimo.

"Baby, what are you doing outside with nothing on? Quick get inside before you get sick." LongWei said panicked by Zimo's state. He had seen Zimo anxious after he had returned late before from a hunting trip, but never this terrible.

"Where were you?" Zimo shouted back ignoring LongWei's words. He could care less about his own state.

As he shouted the two wolf pups Chen and Chong moved forward and bowed their heads at Zimo's feet. They would always do this when Zimo reprimanded them.

Zimo looked down at them tears falling from his eyes. He thought something terrible had happened. Seeing them in front of him, he knelt down and began to inspect their bodies. "You naughty little wolves. Where were you? Do you know how worried I was?" He said as he checked their bodies.

"Baby, let's go inside first. I'll explain what happened." LongWei said as he reach out to grab Zimo's arm. However Zimo wasn't in the best of moods right then. He dodged LongWei's hand and glared at him.

"Stop wasting time and tell me what happened? You were only supposed to be gone for a short time to find the wolf pups. Do you know how worried I was? How could you leave for the whole day without saying anything? I thought something terrible had happened, that you fell down a cliff, or..." Zimo began to complain. His words didn't quite make sense as he unloaded all his worries and fears.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'll explain everything inside. You'll get sick staying outside like this." LongWei said as gently as possible. He knew Zimo's emotions were all over the place from worry. Therefore, without waiting for Zimo to go himself he stepped forward and picked him up directly.

"What are you doing? Let me down." Zimo said displeased.

As Zimo struggled in his arms, LongWei carried him inside. After being placed on the couch, Zimo glared at LongWei tears streaming down his face.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm sorry we took so long to return. There was a situation and we couldn't return right away." LongWei said as he sat down next to him. He wanted Zimo to calm down a little before talking about the bandits.

The wolf pups sensed Zimo's poor mood and cuddled up close to him. They nuzzled his hand and whimpered. Being coaxed by the wolves Chen and Chong, plus feeling LongWei's warm palm rub his back in the usual soothing matter, Zimo began to calm down.

"Baby, me and the wolves are okay. We're sorry for worrying you. I should have told you before staying out for so long. It's just something unexpected happened." LongWei started to explain in a calm steady voice.

"Som...something unexpected?" Zimo questioned, worry returning to his eyes.

"Hm, the wolf pups found two bandits caught in one of the pit traps." LongWei said. He decided to get straight to the point rather then draw it out.

"Bandits!" Zimo exclaimed as he turned to look at the wolves again.

"Don't worry they're okay. The bandits fell into one of the deeper pits. When I arrived one was already dead and the other was to injured to move. Chen and Chong seemed to be keeping an eye on them until I got there." LongWei continued explaining as he held Zimo close in his arms.

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