Chapter 100: Completion

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After having a quick bowl of porridge the men sat around with bamboo in their hands and started preparing everything needed for the traps.

From time to time they would discuss changes to the current plan. 

"Currently the traps are focused on the surrounding areas. I'd like to know if you can't want to address the areas where the bandits might try to settles? If those areas are also filled with traps it might dissuade them a little." King Huizhong suggested.

"We discussed it prior, the idea is good, but there is also a possibility they might take advantage of the traps and use them for protection themselves. The ones in our surroundings are easy to check. I can reset them if animals get caught or set them off, and it is easier to remember their placement. Going to far out of the area I'm familiar with would pose a new set of problems." LongWei explained.

"I see, I understand your point. What about the yard itself? I noticed we haven't made any attempts to strengthen the wall." Said Kong Huizhong.

"We've already added a trench with spikes on the inner wall. This way if they climb over the only way down would be to land directly into the trap." LongWei explained.

"Seriously there are already spike traps by the walls? I didn't notice at all!" Xu Qingsheng commented shocked by the information.

"What about if you want to attack from inside? Is there anyway to position yourself for a shot with your bow?" Chang Shaoqing asked.

"Zimo and I have a ladder that can be moved. We can position it to climb and shoot." LongWei explained.

"The trenches won't interfere with the ladder?" Kong Huizhong asked.

"It's double sided so we can even set it up in a field without problems." LongWei clarified. Zimo had made a more modern trestle ladder rather than the current straight ladders that need to be leaned against something.

"That sounds interesting. Do you mind if I take a look later and try it out?" Kong Huizhong asked. If it was as useful as they said, they might be able to use it in the army.


In the afternoon, Chang Shaoqing and Zimo prepared the stew. It wasn't anything too fancy. By dinner time the sauce had thickened and the meat was tender. To accompany the stew Zimo made bread rather than the usual steam buns. The denser bread was great for soaking up the stew.

When it was time to eat, Zimo still didn't have much appetite.

"Baby, what about just eating the bread, or would you like me to make you some porridge?" LongWei asked.

Zimo understood how worried LongWei was and he also knew it wasn't good to not eat. But his stomach was on strike throwing wave after wave of nausea. He opted to drinking his ginger tea instead.

Zimo's refusal to eat and green complexion didn't escape the yes of the other men.

"When I went on my first expedition with the army, I was a real mess. It took me a week before I could sleep without waking up in a cold sweat." Kong Huizhong admitted.

"Ah, for me it was the smell. I couldn't eat for awhile because of the smell of the dead bodies." Yi Lei added. Their attempts to console Zimo were not the most refined, but knowing his reaction wasn't completely uncommon did help a little.


Night came and everyone settled to get some needed rest.

"Dear, what was your first time like?" Zimo asked as he lay under the quilt.

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