Chapter 60: Prey (NSFW)

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As Zimo regretted his act of bravado, LongWei continued to walk forward.

"Baby, can you help me carry the smaller cages with rabbits and pheasants? He said as he pointed to the cages.

Waking from his internal despair. Zimo looked around at LongWei's prey. Along with the usual rabbits and pheasant there was also a large deer, and a big hairy pig.

"What's all of this?" Zimo asked in shock at not only the amount but size of the animals he carried back with him.

"On the first day, I went to see the traps I set for the rabbits and pheasants. There were a few caught. As I went deeper I came across these two fighting. As the deer tried to flee I had enough time to climb a tree and position myself to shoot the boar. As for the deer, because it was injured by the boar, it was easy to capture." LongWei explained proudly.

He was very lucky. Boar are notoriously difficult to hunt due to their violent nature. If the boar wasn't distracted by the deer, LongWei would prefer to avoid dealing or even meeting a boar.

As for deer, although easier to catch, they are quick to escape and find.

"Wow, so lucky. Dear, will this be okay though? The boar looks dead." As he approached the huge boar tied to a bamboo stretcher.

"Baby, be careful. It isn't dead, but I broke all four of its legs. It won't live much longer. At best, one or two days." LongWei explained as he pulled Zimo away from the boar. It was injured and tied tightly to the bamboo stretcher, but still very dangerous.

Zimo carried the cages full of rabbits and a few pheasants. The deer limped behind him as they moved towards the house. Following behind was LongWei dragging the large boar and occasionally hitting the deer from behind to keep it from pulling in the rope tied to Zimo.

The sky had already grown dark by the time they reached the house and settled the animals in the yard.

"Baby, have you eaten dinner yet?" LongWei asked.

"No. I was waiting for you." He said acting pitiful. He really did wait for LongWei, eating uncooked or cold food for three days left Zimo graving for some spicy soup. He planned to get LongWei to cook for him when he returned, but it's already late and LongWei looked tired after dragging the heavy boar a long way.

"What do you want to eat? I'll cook for you." LongWei said as he started heading towards the kitchen.

"Can I have spicy soup?" Zimo said licking his lips looking forward to eating some hot soup.

LongWei also stared at Zimo's lips thinking about taking a bite out of his soft pale lips. He had been thinking about the sweet taste of his little birdie, and enjoying the pleasure of savouring every inch of his body as it writhes in pleasure under him.

"Dear?" Zimo asked looking at LongWei with his big eyes full of hope for the spicy soup.

"It's late at night, something more gentle on the stomach. It will not be good if you get a stomachache." LongWei said as he gently rubbed Zimo's stomach.

"It should be okay if it's a little." Zimo tried persuading LongWei while tilting his head cutely.

"I'll add a little, for taste." LongWei would only concede this much despite Zimo's coquettish attempts.

LongWei quickly boiled several pots of hot water for a bath. The bath was carried outside the kitchen for easy use, but not inside because of Zimo's fear.

"Baby. Come and take a bath before dinner." LongWei called as he went back in the kitchen to prepare and cook dinner.

"Okay." Zimo said understanding what LongWei implied by the bath. He had hoped LongWei might be too tired to go through with it, but that was looking less likely. LongWei quickly filled the tub for Zimo to bath.

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