Chapter 120: Six

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As the sun began to rise LongWei embraced Zimo. "Baby, be careful and stay safe. If the animals show any signs that an intruder might be nearby, don't investigate it. Just hide and send Chong out of the yard to find me." LongWei said before letting him go.

"You also need to be careful. If you find the bandits and there are too many, don't be reckless. It's easier to fight a large group from here than in the forest." Zimo also  stated.

The two stared into each other's eyes before sharing a passionate kiss. "I'll be home before dark." LongWei promised once more before turning and mounting the horse.

Zimo watched LongWei ride away on Ji as they followed Chen into the forest. Once they were out of sight he turned went back, locking the gate behind him.


LongWei had finally reached the camp sight he found previously. The journey was definitely much quicker with Ji even though they carefully walked.

"Good boy Ji." LongWei praised as he patted the horse's firm neck followed by a yummy slice of apple. Chen sat next to them looking up at LongWei expecting a treat or praise for leading the way.

Sadly, LongWei didn't give much attention to Chen and simply turned to investigate the campsite more thoroughly. Last time he was rushed because of time and worry. This time however he could take his time thanks to Ji.

As he searched he found many footprints. "Their are definitely more than two people. Unless those two guys couldn't stand still for even a second." LongWei thought.

The number of footprints were too many and scattered everywhere. He also found areas that had been cleared of snow. Most likely for the bandits to sleep for the night.

After thoroughly looking through the campsite, LongWei decided to follow the tracks south. He had found them the day before but handed been able to find the bandits. He hoped today would be different.

"I'm counting on you Ji." LongWei said as he mounted the horse. Meanwhile Chen the wolf pup stared at LongWei.   LongWei looked down at him, too. "Chen hurry up, Zimo needs us to find these bandits quick." He said before riding off.

LongWei followed the tracks. He occasionally dismounted to get a better look at them to try to get a better understanding of how many bandits there were.

"Seems to be four maybe ten." LongWei thought as he continued forward.

After another hour he found that many of their traps they had made were set off. With traces off blood and even two more dead bandits. One died after being hit by a one of the trip wire traps that released bamboo spears.

LongWei was glad the snow wasn't too deep in the forest because of the tree cover. In fact it worked in their favour as it helped to cover and disguise many of their traps.

The other seemed to have died after bleeding out. His feet were pierced, most likely from stepping in a trench they set feet bamboo spears.

LongWei continued moving, it became easier as traces of blood were seen smeared over the white snow.

Another hour passed before LongWei found a campsite. It must have been where they stayed the night before. The fire pit was still warm.

LongWei examined the traces. "How many of you are left?" He wondered. He knew two had died after finding their bodies, but he couldn't be certain about the number of injured. If too many remained continuing forward might be too dangerous.

After giving it some more thought he decided to press forward. The traces weren't leading in the direction of the house, but if these men managed to get out they might inform the others and choose to go in a different direction next time.

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