Chapter 52: Nightmare

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Zimo dreamt of many things. It started with his days at the orphanage. Then, slowly moved towards the day he died. The heat from the fire and the feeling of burning felt so real. Zimo wanted to wake up, but couldn't.


LongWei returned from outside. He had been running around the yard. The rain was hard and too sudden. "Baby, the garden might be in trouble if the rain doesn't stop soon. I also checked on the animals. They look fine. The last loud of clay we brought over yesterday will probably be washed away. We will need to gather more once the ground has time to dry." LongWei said as he took of the raincoat and dried himself off. Even with the raincoat he had gotten wet.


LongWei looked over at Zimo. Zimo was pale and seemed to have fallen asleep. Worried by the pained expression on Zimo's sleeping face. LongWei quickly moved over and felt his forehead. He had a fever.

"Baby, wake up." LongWei tried to wake him up. It wasn't the first time Zimo had a fever. However, the last time he did his expression wasn't as bad as now.

Despite LongWei's attempts Zimo wouldn't wake up. The fever grew worse. LongWei hated leaving Zimo's side, but needed to go to the kitchen to make his medicine.

After making the medicine he returned to the room and saw Zimo struggling with the quilt. Zimo was usually a very honest sleeper and barely moved throughout the night.

"" Zimo whispered in his dreams.

In Zimo's struggle the little wolf pups had been pushed off the bed, followed by most of the quilt. LongWei approached Zimo and felt his forehead again. The fever was growing worse and Zimo was covered in sweat.

LongWei wasn't a doctor, but he knew it was important to cover up when you have a fever. He took a cloth and started wiping down Zimo's body. Once the sweat had been wiped off, he rolled Zimo back up in the quilt again.

"Baby, you need to take your medicine." LongWei tried waking Zimo up again, but it wasn't working.

LongWei decided to feed Zimo mouth to mouth. The moment the medicine entered Zimo's mouth, he started to struggle. Even in his sleep, Zimo hated taking medicine.

LongWei managed to feed Zimo the medicine. Holding Zimo in his arms trying to comfort him as he slept, LongWei watched as Zimo suffered from a high fever and nightmares.

Zimo had been unconscious for all night. LongWei hadn't spent and didn't know what to do. The rain had stopped but it was dangerous to leave the mountain because of the mud.

If it was only LongWei it wasn't impossible, but LongWei couldn't bare to leave Zimo alone feverish as he went to get the doctor.Even if he did, the old doctor most likely would struggle to make it up the mountain again.

It wasn't until the afternoon on the second day that Zimo's fever finally broke. Feeling Zimo's forehead finally cooling down LongWei tense heart began to relax. However Zimo still wouldn't wake up.

At night, LongWei had dozed off next to Zimo. He hadn't slept for so long. Not long after he fell asleep he was reawaken be Zimo's screaming and tossing and turning next to him.

"No, it's hot... no... don't wanna... someone... save me..."

LongWei heard Zimo talking in his sleep. Hearing his words LongWei was emended of how Zimo had died in his past life. "Baby, are you dreaming about the fire? Don't worry baby. You only need to wake up. Wake up and everything will be okay. Wake up, baby." LongWei repeated as he held Zimo in his arms.

After struggling for a while, Zimo seemed to lose all strength. Laying limp in LongWei's arms. He finally opened his eyes after more than two days.

LongWei wiped took Zimo face in his hands and kissed him on the forehead gently.

"Baby, everything is okay now. Don't worry, I'm here everything is okay." He whispered.

Zimo stared at LongWei confused. He had been perpetually reliving his life and death in the other world. His mind was exhausted and his body felt heavy. However seeing and feeling LongWei next to him, calmed his heart instantly.

"That's right. I have LongWei now. Everything will be okay."

But something was strange, it was very quiet, Zimo could see LongWei moving his lips, but couldn't hear anything.

"Dear, what are you saying?" Zimo awkwardly said.

He couldn't hear himself talk, so for LongWei, Zimo's tone was strange. Some words were louder and others softer.

LongWei leaned in close to Zimo's right ear and spoke louder than usual. "Baby, can you hear me?"

Moving away LongWei looked at Zimo. Zimo looked back.

"Dear, I don't think I can hear you." He said with a trembling voice.

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