Chapter 86: Rain (part 2)

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On the mountain Zimo was looking out at the pouring rain. His mood was jumping all over the place. He paced around the room talking aloud in an attempt to calm his nerves.

"LongWei dear, it's dangerous to climb a mountain. Spend the night in town or at old man Li's..."

"Dear, I miss you. I want to see you, but it's dangerous..."

"Chu, do you think LongWei is braving the storm and walking up the mountain now?"

"Chen you'd tell me if LongWei was outside right?"

"LongWei would do anything for me, but he's smart enough to put his own safety first..."

"If he steps through that door, I'll give him a good punch."

Zimo felt very uneasy. The wolf pup Chen ran around the room he was also nervous because of the thunder and lightning outside.
Chong was calmer. He sat by the door being his usual vigilant self.

Chu was in his usual place by Zimo's side. He followed along as Zimo moved about the room anxiously. From time to time he would lick Zimo's fingers in an attempt to reassure and calm Zimo.

Feeling the wet tongue on the tip of his fingers, Zimo looked back at Chu and reminded himself to breath. "Everything is going to be okay." He said as he knelt down to pet Chu.


Time passed and the sun set. With the room completely dark, Zimo decided it would be best to go to the bedroom and try to sleep.

"Everyone let's go to bed. LongWei won't be coming back today." He said both relieved and but also lonely.


Bang... Crash... Rumble!

In the dead of night, Zimo who was having trouble sleeping heard a loud sound followed the ground shaking.

Zimo quickly grabbed the three wolf pups and moved off the kang bed. He wasn't sure, but it felt like an earthquake. The wolf pups trembled in fear. They were smart and brave, but they were also only a few months old.

The shaking soon stopped. Zimo looked up. He didn't move immediately. If it was an earthquake there would be after shocks. After waiting, Zimo did not feel any more movement.

"It's okay, babies. I think to over." He said as he comforted the wolves. He had raised then so naturally they were his babies. He just didn't say it often. LongWei never looked happy when he called them his babies.

Zimo moved to stand up and assess the situation.


He said as he fell back down. When he moved off the kang earlier he must have landed in a bad position. "Ugh. I don't think it's broken. Probably just twisted." Zimo said as he felt his ankle.

It was the middle of the night and without light the room was pitch black. Zimo couldn't see anything in front. Realizing it would be difficult to see anything in the darkness, Zimo limped over to the window. It was closed to keep the rain out, but their might be some light.

Opening the window, he saw a flash of thunder, followed by the rumble of thunder. The wind was fierce and in that short moment Zimo had gotten wet.


Zimo sneezed. "Oh no. If I get a cold LongWei will be very upset. He thought as he quickly closed the window. He then limped his way over to the wardrobe and grabbed a change of clothes.

It wasn't very easy, but he managed to change out of the wet clothes and back under the quilt.

"Forget it. I'll take a look tomorrow when the sun is up and the storm is over. Babies, come here. Let's try to get some sleep." He said as he pulled the wolves in close for warmth.

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