Chapter 63: village Head Xu

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The next day, Zimo slept late. Despite sleeping most of the day before, a lot happened. He was physically exhausted after being ravaged by his beast of a husband, then tossed around in a cart. He was also mentally exhausted because of his nervousness meeting the Ali couple again, and thinking about the separation from the Yuan family.

LongWei tried to reassure him that everything would be okay, but Zimo still felt uneasy.

"Baby, why don't you stay here and wait for me to return?" LongWei tried suggesting, but was quickly shot down.

"No! If something dies go wrong what use would I be here?" Zimo stubbornly said, determined to follow along.

Unable to persuade Zimo. The two of them left for the village leader's house in Jianggu Village.


Arriving at the village leader's house, LongWei knocked on the front gate.

"Who is it?" a man asked as he opened the gate to take a look.

" leader Xu, it's Yuan LongWei. I hope to ask for your help today in dealing with some official business." LongWei said in a polite manner.

"Yuan LongWei? Ah, your Yuan Boyan's second son, the hunter." leader Xu said after some thought.

"Yes, and this is my wife, Zhang ZiMo." LongWei said introducing Zimo.

"Please come in and you can tell me what business you have." Leader Xu said as he stepped aside.

"Thank you. By the way I caught some rabbits and was hoping you might take them to enjoy with your family for dinner?" LongWei said as he held up the cage holding three rabbits.

"Thank you, it has been some time since we last enjoyed rabbit meat. XiaoEr, come over here and take the rabbits out back." He said. Soon a boy about seven or eight years old popped out from inside the house and took the rabbits away.


Sitting in a room filled with books LongWei began to explain their purpose.

"I have decided to separate from the Yuan family."

"Have you discussed this with your father?" Leader Xu asked as he stroked his long gray beard.

"I mentioned it previously, but my father is less than willing. I hope with you as a witness, we can reach an agreement today and officially separate." LongWei explained.

"If he is unwilling, there isn't much that can be done. To forcibly separate from the family s an act against filial piety. You can be arrested for failing to be filial." Leader Xu said with a stern tone.

"I understand that under normal circumstances it would be I'll advised. However I and my wife have been wronged. I cannot remain in that house." LongWei said.

"Wronged? In what way have you been wronged?" Leader Xu asked with intrigue.

"It is shameful to admit, but while I was incapacitated due to injury, my brother attacked and attempted to rape my wife. As a man I cannot simply endure such humiliation." LongWei said as he released a faint amount of bloodlust.

"It is a legitimate reason to want to leave the house, but separating from the family completely is not warranted. You're father was not the one who wronged you and you're wife." Leader Xu clarified.

"Under normal circumstances I would also agree. However my father was aware of my elder brother's intention, and took the family to leave giving my Elder brother permission to act." LongWei said as his face grew dark.

Hearing LongWei's additional reasoning Leader Xu's face became red with rage. "He dared to condone such behaviour!" He yelled banging the table with him palm.

Hearing the sudden loud noise Zimo instinctively flinched and hid behind LongWei. Realizing his actions had scared the young man. Leader Xu apologized as he calmed his breath.

"Forgive my outburst."

"No, it is a warranted reaction. My wife is just more sensitive to hostility from others after being wronged by many." LongWei said as he took Zimo's hand in his and gently massaging it.

"Leader Xu, My family has committed many sins and I have remained filial. However, no man should be forced to endure such humiliation." LongWei continued.

"Say no more. I will help you convince your father to agree to the separation." Leader Xu said.

"Will your father be arriving here soon?" Leader Xu asked, changing the topic.

"I informed him of my intentions to meet here to discuss the separation. However at the time he was still opposed to the idea. I don't know if he will come." LongWei said.

"Understood, XiaoEr!" Leader Xu yelled.

Soon the young boy appeared again. "Yes, father?"

Go to the Yuan family home in the South of the village and tell the patriarch to make haste and come here." He said urging the Bo to be quick.

As they waited for the Yuan family to arrive, Leader Xu's wife served some tea and snacks. They were simple pastries made from sweet honey. They tasted delicious.

LongWei gave his to Zimo without much thought as he discussed with Leader Xu about the details of the separation.

"I don't require anything from the Yuan family. I have long built a home in the mountains for hunting and have continued to live there with my wife. As long as they don't covet the house house. They can keep the remaining property including the fields."

"LongWei, do we own the land on the mountain?" Zimo asked tentatively?

"We normally do not require purchasing land on the mountain for simple dwellings that are used for hunting, but if you wish to unsure no others lay claim to the property through other means I would suggest buying it." Leader Xu explained.

"In that case, LongWei we should buy the land. we've been working hard developing the area, it would be a shame to lose it." Zimo said.

"Listen to you." LongWei said.

"Leader Xu how much would it cost to purchase the land on the mountain?" LongWei asked.

"It would depend on how much of the land you wish to purchase. The whole mountain would cost several hundred silver. If it's only a portion, it price will drop as the size gets smaller." Leader. I explained.

"It would be nice If we could own the whole mountain, but our finances are a little tight at the moment. After the separation with the Yuan family I will have a better grasp of our means. Would you be willing  to discuss it more then?" LongWei asked politely.

"That would be acceptable." Leader Xu said.


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