Chapter 59: SUCCESS

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LongWei stayed out the full two night and three days. On the third day, Zimo found it difficult to relax. He moved from one end of the yard to the river trying to keep himself busy or distracted. The thought of LongWei returning today constantly ran through his mind filled with worry and hope.

"Where is he? Why hasn't he come back yet? Did he catch too much? Maybe it's so heavy he can't lift it and needs help? Should I go out and meet him halfway? No, I don't know what direction he went in, I'll only get lost. Dear hurry home I miss you." We're a few of the thoughts that buzzed around in Zimo's head all day.

As the sun began to set, Zimo's anxiety rose. He took the ladder and sat atop the wall facing the forest waiting his LongWei to return.

In the orange glow from the setting sun Zimo finally saw movement from the North East. In his excitement he jumped down from the two meter high wall and started running towards the direction he saw movement.

LongWei had seen Zimo sitting atop the wall from afar. Seeing his little perched there waiting impatiently for his return, LongWei's heart melted. Having someone to return to was the true definition of home.

As he moved closer Zimo suddenly looked over, eyes growing bigger. If he were a dog his ears would be perked straight up and tail wagging behind him.

LongWei couldn't stop himself from laughing at how adorable Zimo looked. As LongWei debated on whether he should temporarily abandon his prey to meet Zimo sooner he became flustered. His little birdie jumped off the wall.

"Baby!" He screamed in a panic.P as he dropped everything and ran towards Zimo.

Zimo saw LongWei and showed a big toothy smile. While LongWei's face was cast in a dark light.

Finally reaching each other, Zimo opened his arms wide planning to jump forward for a hug, but was stopped by LongWei's big hands grasping his cheeks in both hands.

"Baby, what were you thinking? How dare you jump down from the wall? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" LongWei said his voiced laced in worry.

Zimo looked down looking guilty. "I'm sorry, I was just too excited. Don't be mad. Okay?"

LongWei could not continue to be mad after hearing his little birdie's reasoning, but just as he was about to forgive him he saw a dimple appear from the corner of his eye. Then, it disappeared, only to reappear seconds later. Zimo was currently trying his best to look pitiful and surprising his smile.

"You little monster, you don't regret jumping down at all." LongWei said as he lifted Zimo up off the ground and onto his shoulder before lowering his hand and giving Zimo a spank on the butt.

"Wha! What are you doing?" Zimo screamed. He couldn't believe what had just happened. LongWei had never hit him before. Well to say he was hit was a gross exaggeration, it was more like a firm pat, but that wasn't the point.

"Bad boys need a good spanking LongWei said as he laughed.

"I'm not your child, you beast! Put my down now!"zimo said clearly unhappy.

"I'll put you down after you properly reflect on your bad behaviour." LongWei said returning to where he had left the prey he caught with Zimo hanging over his shoulder.

"I... I didn't do anything wrong. It was just a small jump." Zimo said stubbornly refusing to admit his mistake. If it was before he was willing to pretend to apologize, but now he refused. He would not let the beast win after being spanked.

"Oh! So jumping from a height of two meters and nearly breaking a leg is considered small?" LongWei emphasized.

"Who nearly broke his leg? My legs are fine. Don't treat me like a piece of glass that will break at the slightest touch." Zimo shot back.

"This coming from the man who refuses to do that more than once a week because he will be bedridden?"

"That and this are different, you beast!" Zimo was not backing down.

"I don't believe it is. If you want me to stop treating as a fragile little flower, prove it." LongWei dared Zimo.

Zimo who was caught up in the fight, didn't notice LongWei's underlying tricks. Suddenly he felt another pat on his butt.

"Don't worry baby, I know you can't really handle doing it so soon after the last time. I won't press you." LongWei pushing every possible button to anger Zimo.

Unable to think straight, zimo yelled. "You want proof? Fine tonight let's see who's a fragile little flower. Hmph!"

"Oh I look forward to it. Don't back down."

"I won't I'm also a man, and a man's word is gold."

After achieving his goal, LongWei finally put Zimo down. Looking at LongWei's victorious smirk, regret began to set in. "What have I done!?" Zimo thought as he screamed internally.

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