Chapter 123: How Others Live

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Finally reaching the base of the mountain Zimo was surprised at how quiet everything was. It almost felt like a ghost town.

"Dear, why is it so quiet?" Zimo asked looking around suspiciously.

"Quiet? Is this not normal? Everyone should be at home trying to stay warm." LongWei answered.

"Don't they, I don't, have errands to run or work to do?" Zimo questioned.

"Baby, it's too cold for that. Most people stay home as much as possible. The risk involved with going out in winter is very high. They could get sick or slip on the ice and fall. The amount of work that needs to be done is also low. You might see people cutting trees for firewood, or if they can afford it going to town to shop. For the most part, people stay home in winter."

"Is that so? I thought people would be working hard otherwise they would have no food." Zimo admitted.

"Usually everyone works hard in the other seasons to be able to afford enough food, wood, and warm clothing in the winter. To work in winter, only the truly poor who would die otherwise would do that.
It's also counterproductive as they risk getting sick and hurt. If they are unlucky the doctor fees could cost them all their earnings and more. So generally, people avoid leaving the house as much as possible.
The women will sew handkerchief or clothes they can sell in spring for money. While the men do woodwork or take care of the animals in their own yard." LongWei mentioned.

"So, are we weird for going out so much in the winter? I mean, we've  been hunting, going out for walks, fishing, and now we're even going to town." Zimo asked.

LongWei chuckled. "We certainly are strange. We also aren't the only ones going to town. You'll notice once we reach the village square. It will be much busier and more crowded."

Zimo continued to walk with LongWei. To his surprise LongWei was right. There was a group of people sitting around talking by the village square. "Why is everyone here?" Zimo muttered.

"Naturally it's because they are bored staying at home all day." LongWei said straightforwardly. As he stepped in front of Zimo blocking his sight.

"Why are you blocking the way? Is there something there I shouldn't see?" Zimo teased.

LongWei looked down at Zimo when he heard the words with eyes full of worry. "It's cold outside, so they have a fire burning to stay warm." LongWei said in a whisper as he grabbed Zimo shoulder and leading him away.

"Oh, I... I see." Zimo answered with a slight tremor.

From the town square they quickly headed to the village leader's home.


"Jus a moment!" came the voice of a young boy.

Soon the door was opened by the young boy they had met previously.

"Sorry, to keep you waiting. Can I help you?" The young boy said politely. Rather then a child he gave off the appearance of a butler in Zimo's eyes.

"Hello I'm Yuan LongWei and this is Zhang Zimo. We were hoping to speak with the village leader. Is he available?" LongWei asked.

"Just a moment. I'll go tell him." The boy said before leaving. Not long after they were let in and led to the office they previously stayed in.

"Yuan LongWei and Zhang Zimo. It has been quite some time since we last spoke. I hope things have been going well for you." The village leader greeted.

"It's nice to see you again as well village leader Xu."

"Tell me, what brings you here?" Leader Xu asked as he motioned for them to sit down. Zimo stuck close to LongWei with a pale face. The smell of fire was strong in the room because of the small stove by the desk.

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