Chapter 85: Rain

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Leaving at dawn, LongWei quickly reached the base of the mountain. Without wasting any time or breaking a sweat on the trip down he made his way to town on an ox cart.

At this time, many people were bustling through the village. Some heading to town for the morning market, other more familiar faces heading home after a night of indulging in a life of vices.


When LongWei reached town it was a little late, but the morning market was still busy. He quickly set up a small area to sell the rabbits he had caught.

"Big, fat, live rabbits!" He announced loudly trying to attract buyers.

The season was perfect for selling wild meat. In the fall many animals had fattened up in preparation for the cold winter. For LongWei this was a good. He quickly sold the rabbits and headed to the grain shop. Zimo had asked him to buy some more food to feed the soldiers.

In all honesty LongWei believed they had more than enough food to last until summer even with the extra mouths. Nonetheless Zimo asked for more and he was willing to obey.

After purchasing more rice, flour, sugar, and salt LongWei also purchased paint. Zimo had plans to use the paint for a game or something, but he ended up using it for the warning signs. So LongWei decided to buy more.

At noon, LongWei found the Yan brothers noodle stall.

"Hey, boss Yuan!" Yan DanDan yelled upon seeing him. He looked around looking confused.

"Boss Yuan where's Zimo?" He asked.

"Zimo stayed home. I'm just in town for a quick trip today." LongWei answered.

"What brings y'a to our stall? Do y'a want some noodles?" Yan Bo asked from the side.

"No, Zimo figured you might need some more spices. He asked me to drop them off. Also things are going to be dangerous on the mountain for awhile. Don't come up. If you need us leave a message with old man Li and he can tell us when we come down the mountain." LongWei explained.

"Dangerous?" Yan Bo asked curiously.

"Their are signs of mountain bandits. We also decided to set traps for protection. If you go up you might get caught in them." LongWei clarified.

"Bandits huh. That's bad. If things get real bad we'll help y'a. Don't know how much we can help, but we'll do what we can." Yan Bo said sincerely.

The two brothers had gained a lot from their friendship with LongWei and Zimo and were more than willing to help. Unfortunately they were only humble villagers, so what they could do was limited.

"I appreciate the offer, but things should be resolved by spring." LongWei said as he prepared to leave.


Walking in the direction of the restaurant LongWei looked up with a dark expression. The sky was quickly filling up with dark thick clouds. "Tch, Looks like a storm." LongWei said as he sped up.

Just as he entered the restaurant the first drops of rain had started to fall. Looking through the door LongWei was not happy.

Travelling on the mountain in the rain was dangerous. If it didn't clear up quickly, he might have to wait until tomorrow morning to head back up the mountain.

Looking around the restaurant it was easy to spot the soldiers. Five burly men sat at a table enjoying some soup.

The soup they had order was a new menu item. Thanks to Zimo's suggestion the chef added some ginger, goji berries, and garlic to the broth. It made for a fragrant delicious chicken soup.

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