Chapter 92: Night

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After lunch, LongWei pushed Zimo back to bed. His fever had gone down, but LongWei was worried he might push himself too much.

The others all went back outside to work on making the spears and other parts for each trap. LongWei and Zimo had gotten quite a few done, but not nearly enough for everything planned.

They all worked together cutting and sharpening bamboo for hours.

"Man, this sucks." Xu Qingsheng complained. He hated doing this type of meticulous work the most.

"Shut up and work." Yi Lei shot back. He also preferred manual labour, but he was given an order and he would complete it.

"Hey, Yuan LongWei, do you have anything else that needs to be done today? I'm willing to chop wood or go for a run around the area for surveillance." Xu Qingsheng offered in an attempt to escape the bamboo work.

"No." LongWei said as he continued to sharpen bamboo.

A few moments later a noise was heard from the house. The wolf pup Chen came out followed by Zimo and the other wolves.

Seeing Zimo, LongWei stood up and almost ran over.

"Zimo, what are you doing walking around." He rebuked.

"I want to come help. It's a lot to do, the more help the better." Zimo said as he continued heading out the door.

"Wait I'll carry you." LongWei said as he lifted Zimo up. Placing Zimo where he was sitting earlier he handed Zimo the bamboo he had been working on.

Everyone continued to work. From time to time, they would chat about the current situation in the army, or things they experienced, but nothing too exciting.

Soon the sun began to lower in the sky. Immediately Chang Shaoqing asked. "So, what's for dinner?"

LongWei then looked at Zimo. Zimo was suddenly out in the spot. "What do you want?" He said throwing the task of choosing over to Chang Shaoqing.

After thinking for awhile, Chang Shaoqing opened his mouth to speak when Yi Lei suddenly cut in.

"Meat. Hardy meat on a bone." He said. Like most men, he seemed to belong to the carnivore family.

Listening to Yi Lei's request Zimo thought about what meat they had. He did make a preserved smoked ham awhile back. It was smoked with Sichuan pepper making it spicy.

"It's not fresh, but we have some spicy smoked ham. We can cut it up, it's tasty just in rice. We can also make stir fried vegetables with a hot and sour soup on the side." Zimo suggested.

"What's spicy? Is it good?" Xu Qingsheng asked curiously.

"Of course it's good. Everything Zimo makes is amazing." Chang Shaoqing said with certainty.

"So no big piece of meat?" Yi Lei asked sadly.

"Sorry, We don't currently have any fresh meat. When we go out in the forest tomorrow you can keep an eye out for deer or other game." Zimo said.

"Hahaha, then I'll catch a big fat deer. No, let's aim for a boar. Those things are always delicious." Yi Lei said laughing.

"Boar! Those things are dangerous. You better hope you don't run into one unless we're all together. Meeting one alone can only mean death." Kong Huizhong said. His men had hunted boar before, but always in groups of four or five and often on horseback.

Zimo, LongWei and Chang Shaoqing went inside to prepare dinner, while the other four cleaned and packed up the bamboo they had finished.

Inside Zimo sat at the table with a pile of vegetables, and meat. While Zimo cut the meat, he instructed Chang Shaoqing on how to cut and deal with the different vegetables.

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