Chapter 141: REUNION

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Everyone followed LongWei in through the front gate. However just as the stepped through the threshold...


Tiger Bay jumped expertly down from the wall nearly hitting Yi Lei with his claws. Luckily Yi Lei had great reflexes and leaned back just in time.

Landing on the ground in front, Bay looked back smugly before turning and jogging towards the house his big butt swinging, almost as though he was taunting them.

"That little thing sure is smug." Xu Qingsheng said as he admired the tiger's swagger.

"Damn, he almost got me." Yi Lei said as he rubbed the side of his neck. Any closer and he'd have a chunk missing.

"Sorry, that one still needs more training. He likes to push the limits of what me and Zimo will tolerate and is a bit mischievous." LongWei said in apology. He was glad the little tiger was taking the initiative to protect the house earlier, but if he didn't listen it also wasn't good.

bay's actions didn't escape Zimo's eyes either. So when Bay walked up to him for praise Zimo began lecturing him instead.

"Little. Bay thank you for protecting the house, but you broke two important rules. First you were supposed to stay inside with me. Second you attacked after LongWei specifically told you to stand down. Even if you didn't hit him it's no good. He is a guest in our home, so you need to treat him like he is a part of the family while he is here. You can't just 5th to kill anyone who isn't me and LongWei." Zimo continued.

The little tiger who was smug when he ran ahead was now looking at the ground pitifully. The five soldiers were both impressed and shocked when they saw it.

"Hahaha, leave it to Zimo to turn any beast into a common house pet." Xu QingSheng said laughing once more. He also liked visiting this place, not just because of the delicious food, but also because he found Zimo hilarious.

Hearing Xu Qingsheng laughing Zimo's ears turned red. "It's been a long time. I hope everyone has been doing okay." Zimo said shyly. They had gotten close when they last came, but after not seeing each other Zimo couldn't help but feel a little shy again.

"Why are acting so shy for? Let's hurry inside and we can sit down and talk some more." Chang Shaoqing said as he walked forward.

Once everyone was inside Zimo and LongWei had to move around to find some extra chairs. They had several from when they worked on the house but the extras were kept in the old house unused. This meant they were rather dirty and needed to be cleaned first.

"Don't mind us. We're already pretty filthy after climbing up this mountain. With the snow melting the path was pretty muddy." Kong Huizhong admitted.

Zimo looked the men over and he had to admit they were pretty dirty. "Will they be insulted if I asked them to wash up before coming in?" Zimo thought as he stared at their muddy pant legs and shoes.

LongWei looked over at Zimo, and almost like he had read his mind LongWei said,

"Wait. I'll go get a bucket of water and you can wash up and change before you come in." LongWei said. The house was warm and they all should have at least one change of clothes.

Not expecting to be asked to bath immediately after stepping through the door, the men sized each other up and could only agree with Kong Huizhong's words and LongWei's decision.

While LongWei took care of them he asked Zimo to go to the old house and clean it up a little. He had already quickly made the decision that the five soldiers would sleep there instead of in the main log house. "There's no way I'm giving up my private time with my little birdie for them." He thought.

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