Chaoter 44: Wolf

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The next morning LongWei left to search for wolves. He didn't tell Zimo because he didn't want him to worry. He did however warn Zimo to stay by the house.

Zimo decided that the new house was technically the house so he walked out of the yard and began working on the foundation alone. As for the other workers, they were busy doing their own tasks.


Zimo had been concentrating on the task at hand. When he looked up he saw the Yan brothers running towards him waving their arms.

He couldn't hear what they were saying. When suddenly he felt chills up his spine.


Zimo turned and directly behind him was a large fat wolf. Zimo froze. "So big!" He thought to himself.

While zimo stared at the wolf, the Yan brothers were panicking. They didn't know what to do.

"Brother, what should we do? Boss Zhang is going to be eaten." Yan DanDan said.

Neither knew how to hunt. Faced with a wolf what else could they do but run.

"Brother, why isn't he running?" Yan DanDan said again panicking. Zimo had been standing still facing the wolf as it approached.

"Brother, could it be he's too scared to move? We need to help him. Maybe... maybe we can throw rocks or something to scare it away." Yan Bo suggested. It was his suggestion, but his feet were frozen in place. Facing a snarling wolf could make even the toughest men crumble.

Zimo was standing between the wolf and the Yan brothers. "I can't run. It doesn't look like it's willing to leave. That leaves only fighting it off.

Surprisingly, Zimo was very calm. When he was in elementary school. There was a Tibetan mastiff owned by a couple by the park. The dog was vicious. It was chained in the yard with a thick chain and would bark and lunge at anyway who walked by.

Zimo was unlucky enough to pass by one day when the chain broke. At the time, he could only use his school bag as a shield. Most people might be terrified when facing wolves and huge dogs. However Zimo wasn't. Unlike animals people were much scarier. An animal
had only a few thoughts they were essentially attack or run. This wolf had chosen to attack.

Zimo gripped the shovel in his hands. "I'm glad I have my trustee modernized iron shovel." He thought as he prepared for the wolf's attack.

The Yan brothers watched zimo and the wolf.

"Brother, why does it look like boss Zhang wants to fight?"

"Don't be crazy. Who chooses t'a fight a wolf."

Just as Yan Bo finished speaking the wolf lunged towards Zimo.

Zimo lowered his stance pointed the shovel in the wolf's direction and thrust forward. Not expecting the  attack the wolf was hit square in the neck. If Zimo had been late by a second the wolf would have torn his neck to pieces.

The wolf fell to the ground a deep gash in its neck from the shovel. Struggling to get up Zimo didn't waste anytime. He raised the shovel once more and struck down on the wolf neck, followed by stepping on the flat part of the blade cutting deeper into the neck.

Zimo's actions happened so quick and smooth the brothers couldn't believe it.

"Brother, did the little quiet boss Zhang, just kill a wolf?" Yan DanDan asked shocked beyond measure.

"..." his brother Bo was speechless. The thin, soft spoken, and timid boss Zhang, who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. Had just swiftly killed a wolf without hesitation with a shovel.

While the brothers stood there in shock some of the other workers who heard the noise came running over. Stopping in their tracks in shock after seeing the thin man stand over a dead wolf.


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