Chapter 69: Construction (part 2)

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The next day, everyone needed to wake up early and head up the mountain. Zimo had a very difficult time waking up. LongWei woke him up, but was pushed away by Zimo.

Thinking it would be okay if he slept a little longer, LongWei started to make arrangements with the men who had arrived while Zimo slept a little longer.

After some time, LongWei went to wake Zimo up again.

"Baby, you need to wake up." He said as he pulled Zimo out of the quilt.

Zimo squinted his eyes and noticed the sun hadn't risen yet. "It's still dark, go away." He said as he dug himself back into the quilt kicking LongWei in the process.

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, LongWei decided to give just a little longer and went to prepare the ox and mule carts for departure.

The third time LongWei went to wake Zimo up, was once again fruitless. Zimo was pulled out of the quilt again and LongWei said, "Baby, we really have to go. Wake up." Zimo once again refused. Half asleep he wrapped himself around LongWei like an octopus and said, "Shhh!" Before once again falling into a deep sleep.

Unable to successfully wake the sleeping little birdie. LongWei decided to load him on the cart as is and leave.

When the Yan brothers saw LongWei carry out Zimo wrapped in the quilt like a sack of rice, they wanted to burst out laughing, but LongWei gave them a cold look before they could. Suppressing their laughter, they watch LongWei load Zimo into the mule cart and quietly signal everyone to leave.

As they travelled everyone was quiet. If they spoke to loudly LongWei would shoot them a death glare. The men had previously learned how much importance their boss Yuan out on his wife boss Zhang.

As for the new hires, they quickly learned that LongWei's reverse scale was Zimo.

As the sun rose Zimo began to rouse from his deep sleep. Noticing Zimo was waking up LongWei leaned over next to Zimo's ear and quietly said. "Baby, are you awake yet?"

Zimo was still half asleep and instinctively turned to grasp LongWei by his side to snuggle.

"Hahaha... baby wake up." He said chuckling.

"Five more minutes." Zimo countered.

"Baby, you can sleep for another five minutes, but you need to let go. I can't drive the cart with you clinging to me." He said amused by his little birdie's behaviour.

"Cart?" Zimo muttered, before suddenly opening his eyes. "Wha... why are we outside?!" Zimo said in shock as he realized he was currently riding the mule cart along the river, headed for their home in the mountains.

"Baby, you wouldn't wake up and we really needed to leave." LongWei said.

"Did you really try to wake me up? You didn't just scoop me up and load me up thinking it was better for my health to sleep more?" Zimo asked suspiciously.

"I swear baby I tried three times and each time you refused to wake up. You even kicked me at one point." LongWei said as he pointed to abdomen that had been kicked.

Zimo wanted to refuse, but than he noticed the eyes staring at him. Feeling their gaze he immediately turned bright red and felt like hiding under the quilt wrapped around him.

With Zimo officially awake the Yan brothers no longer felt the need to be quiet and burst into laughter.

"BUAHAHA! Zimo so y'a finally awake. Do y'a know how stressful it's been travelling with y'a sleeping? I'll tell y'a it's been hell. You're husband has been shooting daggers out of his eyes every time anyone makes any kind of noise." Yan DanDan like a blocked faucet bursting from pressure building he just started talking non stop.

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