Chapter 112: Horse

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Han Fengge went to the front counter to discuss payment with the doctor. As he did that Yan DanDan moved to hug the little wolf pups.


With a cry little Bay cried out when Yan DanDan moved close. Pushing his way past the barricade of the wolf pups, the little white fluff moved over and bear hugged LongWei's leg.

"Whoa! What's that?" Yan DanDan said in shock. He handed seen the little tiger cub yet.

"He's Bay." LongWei said pushing the tiger cub aside with his leg. Determined to reach Zimo, little Bay stood back up and hugged LongWei leg once more in an attempt to climb up.

"So cute! Is it a tiger? Hey brother look, they gotta tiger now." Yan DanDan exclaimed as he watched little Bay.

Zimo saw little Bay's struggle and tapped LongWei's chest. He wanted LongWei to pick Bay up.

"No, he's fine where he is. You need to focus on your treatment right now." LongWei stated. Unhappy with LongWei's response Zimo stared at LongWei. Sadly before he could guilt or coax LongWei Zimo started to cough. The pain quickly filled his eyes with tears.

"Hey, Zimo's lips look a little blue?" Yan Bo said worried.

"LongWei looked down Zimo's pale bluish lips with panic. He had only blue lips on the dead. Worried things had gotten worse LongWei looked over for the doctor.

Almost right in queue, the doctor appeared. "He's been having difficult breathing for a long time. There's not need panic. I will use my needles to relieve the strain in his throat and help." He said as he pulled it a beautiful wooden case and placed it on the table.

Hearing the word needle Zimo stiffened. "Where are these needles supposed to go?!" He thought in a panic.

"Yuan LongWei please place Zhang zimo directly on the cot. I cannot insert the needles in his current position." The doctor continued.

"Zimo, don't be scared. I'm right here." LongWei said as he stood up and lay Zimo on he cot.

Zimo grabbed LongWei's sleeve afraid. "Although It may seem scary Zhang Zimo, I assume you the pain will lessen and your breathing will improve after the  treatment." The doctor interrupted.

LongWei held Zimo's hand in his and moved aside to let the doctor work.

Zimo closed his eyes tight. He didn't want to look at the needles. When he felt a warmth against his leg. Looking down Zimo saw the three wolf pups sneakily perch themselves on the side of the bed and reach their little chins forward to touch Zimo.

His heart warmed at the scene and he once again closed his eyes prepared to get acupuncture.

When the doctor was finished Zimo's condition showed almost immediate improvement. The strained painful wheezing sound changed to a light raspy sound.

Zimo looked over to the doctor thankful, the acupuncture really did help and the pain was much duller making it more comfortable when breathing.

The doctors apprentice walk over at this time with a bowl of medicine. "Master, the medicine has cooled." He said handing it over.

The doctor nodded to the apprentice taking the bowl in hand. "You'll need to take this medicine now. It will smooth your throat and help bring the swelling down."

Zimo looked at the bowl of medicine than at LongWei. LongWei, looked back. As if conversing with heir eyes Zimo understood he wouldn't be able to avoid taking the medicine.

Moving to help Zimo sit up, LongWei proceeded to take the bowl and help Zimo drink it very slowly. The medicine tasted terrible. Seeing Zimo's face go almost black from the bitterness, Yan DanDan couldn't help but laugh. He tried to endure which only made it worse as he snorted loudly.

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