Chapter 135: New Year (NSFW)

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The days continued and LongWei's leg was healing nicely.

"Dear, how's the pain?" Zimo asked as he helped apply the salve to LongWei's burn. The blisters had burst and the new skin, although red, had formed. It didn't scar nearly as much as Zimo thought it would when he first saw it.

The area that was burned was at the side of the knee to about halfway down his calf on his left leg. The area with the most damage was the calf. After healing for a few weeks the only scaring seemed to be on the calf about the size of LongWei's large palm.

It looked terrible, but LongWei insisted that it only looked bad. That in fact, the pain was barely noticeable at this point. Zimo didn't believe LongWei's words at all. LongWei still flinched a little when Zimo applied pressure to the wound while rewrapping or putting salve on the burn.

"Just because it looks like it's healing well doesn't mean we can let our guard down. The skin is still very thin. If we're not careful, and you overdo it won't be good." Zimo said as he finished wrapping the wound in some clean bandages.

"Listen to you." LongWei said as he caught Zimo in his arms and kissed him. He started of strong and quickly parted Zimo's lips with his tongue. Caught off guard Zimo had a difficult time catching his breath, within seconds he was panting.

Subconsciously Zimo wrapped his arms around LongWei's neck for support as his hips turned weak from the kiss. LongWei grasped Zimo's hips with his large palms kneading them with his thick fingers.

They hadn't been intimate for so long that the touch sent shivers down Zimo's spine. A moan escaped Zimo's mouth as LongWei slowly moved down Zimo's neck.

Caught of guard by the sound of his own voice, Zimo regained his senses. "St...stop. We can't your still hurt." Zimo said desperately trying to suppress the heat.

"Baby, my leg is fine... let me hold you..." LongWei said as he continued to kiss Zimo's neck while whispering into his ear. LongWei knew all of Zimo's most sensitives spots.

The feeling of being touched so intimately after so long felt intoxicating. His mind blurring from the pleasure. But he could give him. The small rational part of his brain that remained one and he pushed himself away.

"No, we need to wait until your leg heals." Zimo proclaimed before leaving the room to calm himself.

"So close." LongWei muttered as he stared hungrily at Zimo scurrying away.


"A little higher, no too much, good now a little to the left, perfect." Zimo directed. They were currently putting up the New Hear couplets and preparing to welcome in the New Year.

Stepping back LongWei couldn't help but admire the couplets. He had to admit the calligraphy was beautiful, but the best part was the promise to be together forever.

"Does it look good?" Zimo asked.

"Hm. It's perfect. What's next in the to do list?" LongWei said turning towards him.

"We still need to put up the few lanterns we bought and then we can start preparing dinner." Zimo said as he looked down at the list he had made.

"Got it. I'll go get the ladder in the storage house. You go get the lanterns from inside." LongWei said as he left towards the old house. It was now used for storage and a place they could make things in the warmer seasons.


"Dear, be careful." Zimo shouted as he held the base of the ladder. They had made the roof of the log cabin higher than most making it a bit of a stretch to attach the lanterns.

"Don't worry baby." LongWei said confident in himself. However just as he finished speaking his hand holding the ladder slipped and he started leaning to far to the left on his bad leg.

"Dear!" Zimo shouted in a panic as he moved forward to grab LongWei's pant leg. It wasn't the smartest idea but in the moment he acted without thinking.


Where Zimo had grabbed LongWei's pants a large rip formed exposing LongWei's buttocks for the world to see. LongWei had successfully regained his balance on the ladder, but the cold breeze left his face bright red.

Zimo couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight. His husbands firm, muscular, yet surprisingly plump buttocks were currently exposed and he instead of admiring them he laughed.

Turning around to hide his buttocks LongWei looked at Zimo from above with a grimace. "How dare you laugh?!" He thought inside. He didn't mind Zimo seeing his body, but laughing at it was completely unacceptable.

Seeing LongWei bright red face and deep grimace Seeing only laughed harder. "Oh no, I think I'm going to pass myself." Zimo thought as he folded over laughing. He couldn't stop.

LongWei finally couldn't endure anymore and after descending from the ladder picked Zimo up over his shoulder and carried him directly to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Zimo aid as he struggled. "You enjoy seeing my butt so much, I thought you'd like to see even more." He said as he lowered Zimo on the kang.

"Dear, wait..." Zimo's lips were quickly sealed by LonWei's strong passionate and deep kiss. The redness in his face was gone, replaced by that of a hungry beast. He initially planned to wait until at night to break their dry spell, but no more. Right here, right now he was going to have his fill.

At first Zimo wasn't willing. He still thought it was too soon. LongWei's injury needed atleast another few weeks before it would be completely healed. However, like LongWei his body craved to be touched.


"No... Ah!... I'm coming!" Zimo moaned as he came for the second time. LongWei had only touched and kissed him  and he had already come twice.

"Baby, you kept saying we should wait, but it looks like you body has long reached its limit." LongWei teased as he rubbed Zimo's sticky juices between his fingers.

Reeling from the pleasure Zimo could only whimper in response.

"Baby, I also want to feel good." LongWei whispered as he placed his thick fingers deep inside Zimo.

"Hyah!" Zimo said as he felt them enter deep inside slowly moving. It had been a long time since they had last done it and he was much tighter.

The tightness and pain were both familiar and strange. It was like the first time they had done it. The excitement and fear clouding his mind Zimo grabbed LongWei's powerful shoulders for support.

"Baby, relax. You're too tight." LongWei whispered as he tried to loosen Zimo. If he entered now he would only hurt him.

"I..I ca..ah...I can't..." Zimo gasped trying to catch his breath.

LongWei desperately wanted to be inside Zimo, but he held onto his reason and thoroughly loosened Zimo up. With just his fingers Zimo came once again.

After coming, Zimo finally loosened enough for LongWei to enter. No wasting any time. LongWei thrust in deep inside Zimo. A rare grunt from the pleasure escaping his lips.

"Baby, I missed this." LongWei whispered as he moved his hips slowly inside. He needed to find just the right spot to make Zimo's feel good.

Zimo gasped, feeling LongWei deep inside. It had been too long leaving his body too stiff and uncomfortable.

However, LongWei knew Zimo's body better than his own. Finally a moan escaped Zimo's lips as he thrust inside. He had found Zimo's sweet spot.



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