Chapter 136: New Year Dinner

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The two thoroughly indulged themselves in the pleasure of reconnecting until the sun set. Leaving Zimo both exhausted and upset. It was their first New Year together and they didn't prepare any dumplings or feast.

"Baby, we still have all night. I can go prepare the food now if you want." LongWei said as he massaged Zimo's back and hips.

"I wanted to prepare the dumplings together." Zimo complained. He had always envied the families in TV sitting together making dumplings.

"Then let's do them together." LongWei said as though it was an easy thing.

"It's too dark inside, and too cold outside." Zimo said as he sulked under the quilt.

"Then let's make a new tradition that belongs only to us. On New Year's Day, we spend it decorating the house and rolling around in the sheets. And the day after we can prepare and enjoy a big feast as we curl up on the kang." LongWei suggested, trying to improve Zimo's mood.

"Is it a tradition if we make it up ourselves?" Zimo questioned intrigued.

Like hooking a fish, LongWei quickly went to work catching Zimo.

"Of course baby. Where do you think traditions started from? Not every family needs to be the same. We already can't do most of what others are doing.
Our new year visits were over a month ago, we aren't setting off any firecrackers or fireworks, and our feast will be the day after. It's different but it's ours. Something special to our family." LongWei said with great enthusiasm.

Zimo pondered LongWei's words. "It's true we aren't a normal family, with normal traditions. Is it so wrong to change things to fit our wants and needs?"

After thinking it over Zimo seemed happier and happier with the decision to have the dinner the next day.

"What do you think, baby?" LongWei asked anxiously. He didn't want Zimo to not be happy their first New Year together.

"Okay, but we absolutely need to have a big feast tomorrow." Zimo said as he snuggled up close to LongWei. He was still sore and tired from earlier.

"No problem. I'll feed you until your stuffed." LongWei joked as he patted Zimo flat stomach.

The two snuggled on the kang, but didn't go back to sleep. One tradition Zimo did not want to break was staying up to welcome the New Year. LongWei did however get up at some point to make Zimo some porridge to fill Zimo's grumbling belly and open the shutters on the window.

The moon was big and beautiful. The cold wind blew into the room, but with the heat from the kang, LongWei next to him, and their pets all huddled up on the bed with them Zimo still felt very warm.

This was his family, the family he finally got at the price of dying.

"Baby, it's midnight." LongWei whispered into Zimo's ear.

Zimo looked up at LongWei with a beaming smile showing off his cute dimples in the moonlight. "Happy New Year, dear. I hope we can be together for every New Year from now on." Zimo said his eyes tearing up slightly.

"Me too, baby. Happy New Year. I hope that we can live a long life together with good health and happiness." LongWei replied before leaning down and giving Zimo a long passionate kiss.


The next morning Zimo woke up still a bit sore from the day before. Even so, he was determined to help cook a big feast and dumplings together with LongWei.

LongWei wanted Zimo to be as comfortable as possible, so instead of making the dumplings on the living area table. He brought a tray and everything they needed into the bedroom. The little table tray was well used for when Zimo was feeling sick and now for making dumplings.

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