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After lunch, zimo thought they would head back to the Li's house, but LongWei had other plans. He wanted to visit the doctors again for more of Zimo's nourishing prescription and to ask about "night" activities.

Zimo followed him in the store and saw a woman leave with some green herbs.


"That smells like mint." As Zimo thought about what he had seen, he realized that the doctor would have many herbs and species he could use for cooking. Although he found a variety on the mountain, he didn't know everything, and they didn't all grow near the house.

"Dear, let's ask the doctor if he has any mint, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, ginger, or other herbs. If we can get some, we can use it to cook delicious food at home." Zimo said licking his lips. They had a few that made food better, but the more they had the better the variety.

Naturally, LongWei agreed. If it tasted good, Zimo would eat more, and fatten up.

The doctor finished speaking with another guest. Seeing Zimo and LongWei again, he wasn't surprised. Zimo's body was not the healthiest and he would need to take a lot of medicine over time.

"Good day, how are you feeling Zhang ZiMo?" The doctor asked holding out his palm.

"He has been doing much better, but could you check him just to be certain." LongWei asked. He never wanted to assume anything.

Zimo handed his wrist over to the doctor. Hoping to have a positive check up.

"His body has improved. He needs to continue taking the nourishing medicine, but only every two days should be okay. I'll also make some small adjustments." The doctor said with a smile.

Hearing this LongWei dared to ask. "Doctor, Zimo and I are married,  it his body has been poor. I've been reluctant to..."

The doctor quickly caught on to what he wanted to say. "It's not impossible to do those things now, but you are right to wait. Zhang Zimo's body is slowly recovering. If you do want to do regular nightly activities, I have a prescription that can be used to help ease the burden on his body.
However, I would suggest you wait a month or only do it lightly. That is if Zhang Zimo's health continues to improve. If during this time he becomes ill again, you may need to wait longer."

Hearing this both Zimo and LongWei smiled. They had both wanted to be more intimate. However, now that they got the okay from the doctor, Zimo stared feeling a little scared.

"I'm glad we can do it. But it's kinda scary. I'm definitely going to be on the bottom, which means it's going to be painful.
If this was the modern world, LongWei might be able to do research or practice or something first. But he can't, he's going in blind.
Wait... now I'm scared, he wont be rough like he was for our first kiss. He improved a lot since then, but the first time left my lips feeling sore after being bitten and sucked them red. Oh, no. If we do it won't I be stuck in bed all day..." the more Zimo thought about it the darker his face got.

Noticing Zimo's face go from red, to green, to blue, LongWei could guess a little about what he was thinking. He wanted to reassure him, but he wasn't sure what to say. He planned to think about what he could do later.

LongWei  put it aside and decided to distract him by asking the doctor if it would be okay to also by some herbs.

"We don't mind selling you some, but I can't sell you too much and some are difficult to find. If I sell them to you we won't have enough for our prescriptions. You can ask my apprentice when you pick up your prescription about them more." He said.

LongWei took Zimo over to the counter, he got the nourishing prescription from the apprentice, the new salve for their nightly activities, a prescription for fevers, and a small book. The entire time Zimo was in his own head imagine there first night, and worrying.

"Zimo, what do you want to buy?" LongWei asked Zimo as he rubbed his arm to get his attention.

Zimo noticed and turned bright red. He had been thinking about a lot of embarrassing things.

"Zimo, what do you want to ask for?" LongWei repeated.

Zimo became focused on the task at hand. They managed to find a lot of different herbs, some he could take more than others. He also asked where they could be found. The ones that are easier to find could also be grown in a garden.

"Do you have seeds we can buy? It would be great if he could grow mint, rosemary, and other herbs. The apprentice couldn't give them the seeds, but he knew someone who sold them.

"I can ask them if they are willing to sell you seeds,  but they only come by once a week. The next time he comes won't be for a few days." The apprentice said.

"That's great, can you tell him I will take some of everything he wants to sell. But I don't know the next time we will come back again." Zimo said feeling a little dejected.

"We need to refill your prescription in two months. It would be wonderful if we can get some more than." LongWei said.

"I can ask for it, but I don't know if they will agree." The apprentice said apologetically.

"Don't worry, we appreciate you trying to help." LongWei said, before packing things up and getting ready to leave.

"Thank you, for your help." Zimo said as they left.

Leaving the medicine shop Zimo turned towards LongWei with a red ears.

"Dear, is it possible to buy a bath? I understand we need to save money, but a bath is good. We can wash, relax, and it's very useful." Zimo said.

"Listen to you." LongWei said, trying not to smile when he realized why Zimo would want a bath.

At the carpenter's shop. They did have a few baths. Zimo liked one that wasn't too big or small, but was made with flowers carved on the side. Whereas LongWei preferred the bigger one, it was big envy for both of them to sit in it comfortably.

"We can't get that one, it's too much work to fill." Zimo said trying to find any excuse not to get it. It's was way too embarrassing to bath together. However, LongWei did not give up.

"It won't be so hard once we have a well, and I promise to be the one who fills it. Let's get this one."

In the end they got the bigger one, and headed back to the Li's home.


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