Chapter 113: Liquids Only

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A few days have passed since Zimo was hurt. With the loving and attentive care of LongWei, Zimo was recovering well.

They sat at the table and Zimo stared with a blank face at the bowl of bone soup. Using some of the dried meat, sauces, herbs, and boiling over a long period of time. The flavours soaked in it before straining and serving. Zimo thought it was a very delicious bowl of broth.

The problem was he had eaten it for every meal the last few days. No, not quite correct. LongWei changed the combinations and made several different broths. The problem was, however the fact they were all broth recipes.

"Baby, hurry up and eat before it gets to cold." LongWei urged.

Zimo simply turned away depressed. "I want meat, no it doesn't even have to be meat I want something I can sink my teeth into and rip apart." Zimo thought. Imagining the joy of chewing. The soft, hard, chewy, gummy, sticky, crunchy foods were all he wished for.

"Baby, I understand your tired of drinking broth and medicine. It's only for a little longer." LongWei coaxed as he ran his fingers gently over the dark purple bruise around Zimo thin fragile neck.

Zimo took LongWei's palm and wrote the character for porridge. They had been using this as a way of communicating these days because Zimo wasn't allowed to speak.

"Baby, the doctor said to wait a week before moving on to soft foods like porridge or chunky soups. Be patient." LongWei coaxed.

Zimo glared displeased before standing up and leaving the table. "If I have to drink another bowl of anything I'm going to go crazy." He thought as he walked away.

LongWei hated seeing Zimo so unhappy, but if he gave in and Zimo made his throat worse he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

This careful dance at meal times continued for the next two days. After six days passed since the visit to the doctors Zimo finally convinced LongWei to give him a very, very, watered down thin bowl of porridge.

Zimo was confident everything would be fine. "My throat is still a little bit soar, but my breathing is normal again. I'm not coughing or wheezing, what could possibly go wrong?" He thought as he took a spoonful of thin porridge into his mouth.

After chewing carefully like he promised LongWei he swallowed the porridge. The feeling of what should has been soft well chewed porridge going down his throat felt more like sandpaper. With tears filling Zimo's eyes, LongWei panicked.

"Baby, what's wrong? Does it hurt? Can you still breath fine? Do you need me to take you to the doctor?" LongWei kept questioning as he gently held Zimo's face between his large rough palms.

Once Zimo finished swallow the one spoonful of porridge. He tapped LongWei's hand. Opening his palm for Zimo to write on, LongWei tried to calm down.

"It hurts." Zimo wrote. Moments ago he was excited to eat something rather than drink it. Now, he was brought back down from heaven with the reality his throat was far from healed.

"Baby, let's give it a few more days. If the next time we try it still hurts we can go to town and see the doctor." LongWei reassured. He also thought Zimo was recovering well and was feeling depressed by the truth.

He the. Took away the bowl of porridge and served Zimo a bow of broth instead. Zimo however didn't feel like eating or drinking anything. He shook his head and went outside.

Zimo checked in their new horse. Because they had made the yard much larger in the summer, the mule, horse, and goest were allowed to walk about comfortable.

Zimo snapped his fingers before approaching the blind horse. He decided to do this so the horse wouldn't feel startled by him suddenly showing up and would recognize him. After snapping the horse turned it's head to face Zimo before slowly walking over.

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