Chapter 88: Guests

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Zimo was placed on the bed, red faced from embarrassment.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I made things awkward." Zimo said crestfallen. In the room were five strong army men. He on the other hand was a sickly thin man curled up the couch.

"Don't worry about them. They are here to work and will be gone soon. What's important is that you rest and recover quickly." LongWei comforted.

"It wasn't this awkward when we had the workers here to build the house. At that time I also fell sick, but they still treated me like I belonged there.
With the exception of the one who went into the kitchen with you, the others..." Zimo trailed off as his voice lowered along with his mood.

"The workers before, have known you for a long time. Their impression was already set before you got sick. These five men on the other hand. This is the first impression. It will take a little longer before they understand you better." LongWei said as he rubbed Zimo's back.

He didn't really care how the men felt about Zimo. As long as they didn't harm him, it was okay. However, he understood that Zimo previously lived a life being ostracized and bullied. Zimo was very sensitive to these things. He also tried to put in some effort and sit on the couch and converse. Sadly it didn't work.

"Baby, your amazing. Don't worry about what the others think." LongWei said.

Zimo still feeling down, nodded.


While Zimo was in the bedroom the other four whispered around the table.

"Is that really a man? He looks like he might fly away in the wind. Yet he dares to look down on us." Yi Lei said.

"Not just his body. I could barely hear anything he said." Xu Qingsheng reacted.

"Both of you shut up. The man is feeling unwell and he's friends with general Cui  Tengfei. We just need to listen and obey orders." Kong Huizhong reprimanded.

He also felt Zimo's attitude was too much. Unlike the others he would never be so rude as to say it.

"What do you think, Tan Yan?" Xu Qingsheng asked.

"He has pet wolves." Tan Yan said fascinated. He loved animals and the moment he saw the three wolves cuddle up near Zimo he was filled with envy.

"Seriously, what does that have to do with anything." Xu Qingsheng complained.

"It doesn't matter. Our job is to help them fortify the surrounding area. The task hasn't changed." Kong Huizhong stated.


LongWei came out of the bedroom and glanced at the four men sitting at the table. He wasn't pleased with how they made Zimo feel, but he also didn't feel the need to fix things. He was fine with them keeping their distance from his little birdie. After a moment of thought, he decided not to say anything for now.

The four men however were aware of LongWei's displeasure.


"Feels like we messed up doesn't it?" Xu Qingsheng said, letting out a long sigh. LongWei had a domineering aura even when he didn't speak.

"I'm not good with nobles. Feels like that young man is treated like a noble here." Yi Lei remarked.

"Tch. This is going to be stressful." Xu Qingsheng groaned as he sat back in his chair.


In the kitchen, LongWei continued to cook the porridge for Zimo. Next to him was Chang Shaoqing who was opening jars and smelling the stuff inside.

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