Chapter 41: FROM TWO TO TEN

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LongWei entered the room expecting to see Zimo laying in bed as usual. Tonight, however, Zimo was sitting at the edge of the bed hands over his needs in a serious manner.

"Baby, is everything okay?" LongWei asked

"Dear, that is before we go to bed I think we should talk." Zimo said still looking serious.

LongWei looked back at his little nervous birdie and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had an aching suspicion about what Zimo wanted to discuss.

"Okay." LongWei answered. He sat down next to Zimo with a smile threatening to reveal itself at any second.

"It's about what the doctor said today. I know he said it's okay for us to do "that"... but... um... I think... we should wait." Zimo said his voice growing quieter as his red grew red. He gave LongWei a quick glance worried he might be angry.

"Hm... of course we should wait. Baby, it's not something we should rush." LongWei answered. Hearing this Zimo breathed a sigh of relief. Then, LongWei leaned over close and whispered in Zimo's ear.

"I wouldn't want anyone to hear your sweet voice, so we naturally can't do it in the Li's house or when other men are nearby. *chuckle"

Zimo turned completely red. He thought he dodged a bullet, but he might only have the next four days before they do the deed.


The next morning, zimo and LongWei met the eight other men and headed up the mountain. Being surrounded by so many large burly men, Zimo felt a little scared. He stayed close to LongWei and drove the mule cart slowly along the way followed by the others.  They didn't buy much this time but the cart held the men's tools. Some shovels,saws, axes, and Zimo's new shovels, pot, and a lot or thick rope.

As the journey progressed Zimo started to relax. The men didn't do anything suspicious and were talking joyfully. They were grateful for the work. LongWei spoke with them from time to time getting to know them better.

Two wee brothers named Yan DanDan and Yan Bo they similar in size and temperament. They spoke animatedly with LongWei, but Zimo couldn't understand most of it. They had a thick accent and spoke very fast. Despite this Zimo could see and hear from LongWei's reaction that they were speaking about how recently it's been harder finding jobs locally. A lot of times they need to visit town to do cookie work when it isn't the harvest or planting season.

It seems fining such a lucrative job like this was difficult now.

When they finally reached the house, the workers were surprised. It was much better developed than they imagined.

"This is we're you'll sleep while your here. Sorry there are no beds, but I like I said yesterday, if you brought your own quilt it shouldn't be too uncomfortable. The kitchen and toilet are over there.
I'll be cooking everyone porridge and buns for the morning. At night some rice and one meat dish. If you want more, you'll need to catch your own meat or if you brought some food, feel free to use the kitchen to cook it yourself.
My spouse and I will be staying in the woodshed over there. Don't go there. If I see anyone being rude or doing anything to make him feel unhappy, expect to get beaten." LongWei explained giving of an oppressive aura.

Everyone nodded in understand after giving a quick glance towards Zimo.

"Tonight, I'll show you around and explain what you'll need to do. I'll be busy doing other things, so I expect everyone to work without constant supervision. If you work well, before the autumn harvest we will hire you again for several days to finish the construction. However if you slack don't expect anymore work from us."

After his talk, LongWei brought the group of men to the forest. In preparation for today LongWei and Zimo tied some red thread around the trees they chose to cut. The workers who only need to find these trees, cut them down and transport them to an area they had cleared ahead of time. As for the mud and stones. It was self explanatory. LongWei had dug out a pit beforehand, showed the men the clay he wanted, and the size of stones.

While LongWei did this, Zimo prepared the ingredients for dinner. It was nothing fancy. Just some rice mixed with dry deer they had previously smoked with Sichuan pepper and an eggplant stir fry with some garlic and salt.

LongWei took the food and started cooking when he returned. When the men smelled the food their mouths began to water.

The Yan brothers couldn't help but run up to the kitchen and ask about the smell.

"Hey, what's this smell! It's smell so delicious." Yan Bo said.

"Yeah, it's even better than those restaurants and stalls in town. Gulp..." Yan DanDan concurred.

LongWei would not miss an opportunity to praise his little birdie."It's Sichuan spice my spouse prepared. It's spicy and delicious."

"Sichuan pepper? What the hell's that. Never heard of it." Yan Bo said.

"It's a secret." LongWei said laughing.

Dinner was let in the kitchen for them to serve themselves. LongWei brought dinner for himself and Zimo who was sitting in the shed working on his wood carving.

LongWei wasn't clear on what Zimo was making. He had been working on it for a long time now, and even thrown several failures away.

"Baby, come and eat." LongWei said placing the food on the small table.

"Dear, do you think they will like the Sichuan peppers? We have so much of the meat left I want to use it,  it if they don't like it, I'll use the salt ones next time." Zimo said uncertain.

"LongWei looked at Zimo and felt pain in his heart. His little birdie's hearing was very bad. So bad he couldn't here the men outside yelling and talking loudly about how delicious the food was.

"Baby, don't worry. They will love anything you prepare. They might even beg you for some spices to take home after they are done." LongWei said showing a sincere smile.

LongWei was right. When he left to go wash the dishes he was stopped by the other men asking what Sichuan spice was. The Yan brothers acted smug and said if was a secret that Zimo had made.

"I won't tell you how it's made. if you want to take some back with you, I don't mind making it a reward for those who work hard." LongWei said.

Hearing LongWei desire burned in the men's eyes. They wouldn't rest until they succeeded in bringing the spice home even if only a little.


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