Chapter 57: Deal

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When Zimo woke up again the lay low in the sky. Zimo looked around the room when he felt a cool touch on his forehead.

"Baby, awake?" LongWei asked with gentleness flooding the depth of his black eyes.

Zimo made an attempt to sit up, but froze in pain. Noticing his discomfort LongWei asked softly.

"Baby, are you okay?"

Hearing LongWei's question an urge to hit the beast surged. Wanting to hit LongWei, but afraid to make any big movements Zimo could only glare at LongWei and say, "Beast." In a dry hoarse voice.

"Baby, did you hate it so much?" LongWei asked giving a hurt puppy dog look.

"I really enjoyed the feeling of being connected to you. Did you really hate it?" LongWei asked as he placed his cool palms on Zimo's hips gently massaging them.

"Hmm... I didn't hate it. J... just you went to far." Zimo said melting under LongWei's touch.

"Okay, baby. Next time I will try to be gentler." LongWei said given off a suspicious smile.

"Hmm. You can't do it in the morning, the whole day is wasted now." Zimo complained.

LongWei nodded along satisfied after successfully tricking Zimo into agreeing to a next time.


Zimo enjoyed LongWei's personal massage for awhile before he could lean against the bed.


Zimo blushed at the sound of his own stomach grumble.

"I made some porridge earlier. It should still be warm, wait for me." LongWei said as he chuckled in a low magnetic voice.

Zimo had missed hearing his voice. LongWei's voice was deep, with a distinct baritone that could send chills down Zimo's back when he whispered in his ear. When LongWei opened the door to the house, the three wolf pups darted past his legs directly to the bed whimpering to be let up on the bed.

Zimo stretched his arms to help them up.
"Don't let them on the bed anymore. They are old enough to sleep outside." LongWei said as he stared at the three wolves. The wolf pups turned to look at LongWei and started yapping clearly not happy with LongWei.

Zimo stared at LongWei, his eyes still red from crying and showing the face of someone who had been wronged.

"No, I won't share our bed with others anymore." LongWei said without any sign of surrender.

"Dear..." Zimo said in a soft milky voice that could melt the coldest heart.


"Dear, I don't feel well. The pups are warm and they say pets have a healing effect." Zimo continued trying to persuade LongWei.

"Are you saying, I'm not enough for you?" LongWei countered raising his brow.

"That's different. You're a beast. I can't trust you to sleep honestly. These three are my guardians." Zimo said, not afraid to speak honestly. He really felt LongWei would pounce on him without restraint without the pups.

"Oh, is this your way of saying you don't want to be intimate?" LongWei said moving closer.

Feeling like a rabbit caught in a trap, Zimo dared to continue.
"Dear, I don't think my body can handle doing that every night and day."

"Hm. Than how often do you think is okay?" LongWei said as he sat down on the bed and leaned in close.

"That is... um... maybe once a month?"

"A week." LongWei countered.

"A week!? Impossible do you expect me to stay in bed all the time?" Zimo said with a pale face.

"Today was your first time. Once you get used to it, it shouldn't be hard to do it everyday." LongWei argued.

"No, no, no, impossible." Zimo said shaking his head vigorously.

"Baby, I promise, I'll be gentler next time. You won't be bedridden all day." LongWei whispered in his ear rubbing the tip of Zimo's ear with his nose.

"Beast! I can't trust you. We just did it this morning and I'm laying here barely able to move and your already full of lust. Beast." Zimo complained as he pushed LongWei away.

"Hahaha... Baby, if you let me do it once a week I'll let you keep the three little pests in the bedroom ever other night." LongWei confidently and generously offered.

"You really promise? You can't go back on your word." Zimo said suspecting there was a hidden motive.
"Hm. I promise, but only while they are small. If they grow too big for all five of us to fit comfortable they move to the floor." LongWei pointed out.

Zimo gave it some thought. He really liked the feeling of being surrounded by the furry pups while sleeping in his husband embrace. It was sheer bliss.

"You promise to be gentler next time? And you can't do it in the morning. I don't want to lose a whole day for a few hours of pleasure." Zimo asked for confirmation.

"Zimo, when haven't I kept my promises?" LongWei said not knowing if he should laugh or cry at his little birdie.

"...Okay deal." Zimo said nodding his head with determination.

It wasn't that bad of a deal after all. He also enjoyed doing that with LongWei. The problem was the aftermath. If Zimo had to spend his time stuck in bed with pain in his lower back, hips , and that place that will not be named life would become boring. With this deal he got to keep his little pups and a verbal promise from the beast to be gentler.


After eating Zimo, LongWei, and the three pups cuddled up in bed to sleep.

"Dear, what about today's chores?" Zimo asked. He had slept all day, so he naturally wasn't tired despite his bodies protests.

"Hm, don't worry I finished them all." LongWei said as he rubbed Zimo's back to hep him relax.

"What about the goat? You're really bad at milking the goat." Zimo continued his questioning.

"Hm. It took longer than when you do it, but I managed to do it." Unlike Zimo, LongWei did not sleep all day. He was feeling tired and was answering Zimo's questions as asleep.

"Did you wash the quilts. You can't let that stuff dry or it will be hard to wash out later."

"Baby, don't worry. I washed the quilts and hung them to dry, fed the animals, watered the garden, checked the yard, cleaned the animal pens, I did everything. Now go to sleep baby." LongWei said as his breathing slowed.

Zimo looked up at his string, reliable husband gave him a soft kiss on the chin and soon fell asleep.

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