Chapter 80: Situation

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After taking care of the hungover Zimo LongWei out him to sleep. He then moved to the living area to deal with Cui Tengfei.

He had known Cui Tengfei for a long time. The man was willful, loved to laugh, and moved the the beat of his own drum. However, he was also reliable and took his work seriously.

If he had decided to take a detour while in task for the army, it was not a simple hello.

"This house is amazing." Cui Tengfei said as he admired the log construction.

"The design is simple, yet very effective. Hey how is this place heated? I noticed you light the stove to cook for the little fox and now the whole place feels hot." He asked curiously.

"It's the heating system Zimo designed. He's responsible for the whole design of our house." LongWei said with a smug smile. He enjoyed bragging about his little birdie.

"Seriously? I've never seen anything like it. Are you sure he isn't a spy or assassin from another country?" He asked half serious half joking.

"I can guarantee it's Impossible."

"Really are you sure? I mean he's stronger than he looks, he came up with this interesting house, he also has a weird accent when he talks." Cui Tengfei continued.

"He may seem strong, but his body is actually a mess. It has taken me months to raise him up this well. The house house is because he is a natural genius." LongWei easily dismissed Cui Tengfei suspicions.

"What about his way of speaking?" Cui Tengfei asked.

"Sigh... That's because he can't hear well." LongWei said looking downcast.

"Can't hear well?" Cui Tengfei said not quite convinced.

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed?" LongWei asked with doubt. "Have you really not noticed how he often doesn't react or answer when you talk to him?" LongWei continued.

"Isn't that just because he doesn't like me?" Cui Tengfei admitted.

"Half and half. Zimo is completely deaf in his left ear. As for the right, he can hear, but it's not as clear. Often times loud sounds become distorted." LongWei explained.

Listening to LongWei describe Zimo's disability Cui Tengfei thought back at Zimo's behaviour. It was true when he spoke loudly or quickly Zimo would sometimes rub his right ear with a displease expression.

"Is that why your always leaning close and speaking with a gentle tone?" Cui Tengfei asked. He had originally laughed at LongWei for showing such gentleness and care, but if it was because of Zimo's disability, he'd be a real jerk for laughing.

LongWei simply gave him a smirk. "Try speaking slower and quieter. He'll be more willing to talk." LongWei said as he sat down.

Feeling like an asshole, Cui Tengfei moved to sit across from LongWei.

"Cough. Well let's talk about that brother of yours. yuan TingFeng is a real nasty piece of work. I had someone I now check what he's been doing and I have to say I'm impressed." Cui TengFei said changing the topic.

"If he put his mind to doing good, It would be amazing. Unfortunately he prefers to use it for sigh..."

"Evil." Cui Tengfei cut in.

LongWei dejectedly nodded. He hated to admit it, but no mater how he tried to teach and lecture his younger brother it didn't deter him from going down the wrong path.

"That brother of yours is some kind of evil genius. Convincing someone to buy the mountain was tame in comparison to what he's been cooking up recently." Cui Tengfei added.

"What has he been planning?" LongWei asked.

"He's gotten involved with a group of mountain robbers that have been active in the territory to the south west of here. The group is none for attacking caravans carrying goods to the capital and they are a violent bunch.  Urgently they are situated in the mountains three day travel from here. But your brother seems to have convinced them to move here to your mountain." Cui Tengfei explained.

"Why would they agree to move?" LongWei asked troubled by the news.

"Well the south west of this mountain is a half day travel to one of the main roads running through the other territory. It's often used to send goods from north to south. By setting up on your mountain, they would find themselves in a political loophole of sorts." Cui Tengfei continued.

"How is our mountain a political loophole?" LongWei said as the unease in his heart grew.

"The current leader of the territory to the south west of here, and this one your living in are not on good terms. They are on different sides in the capital and would never allow the other to have an easy time." Cui Tengfei said.

"So what your saying is, if the mountain bandits retreat into our territory, the magistrate here won't pursue them, nor will they allow the other territory to pursue." LongWei surmised.

"Correct. As long as the mountain bandits don't cause damage to the territory, they can do whatever they want in the other territory without risk." Cui Tengfei clarified.

"What do you suggest I do?" LongWei asked feeling dejected. If it was a small group he might be able to deal with it. However a mountain bandit group could have thousands of people. There was no way to guarantee he and Zimo will be safe.

"I'm trying to convince those in a higher position to take action. As I mentioned before the road they attack is used to send things between the north and south. It's very popular with merchants dealing in the capital. If they can be convinced, I can personally send my army to deal with the mountain bandits and your mountain will be safe." Cui Tengfei revealed the current strategy.

"What's the but?" LongWei asked. If it were a simple task, Cui Tengfei wouldn't have made a detour to visit.

"Haha... the but is that you'll need to hang in there while I work my magic in the capital. I'm confident I can set the plan to eradicate the mountain bandits before they move to your precious mountain in the spring. However, who doesn't want to check out their home before moving in? You'll need to stay vigilant and protect this place well." Cui Tengfei said with a rare serious expression on his face.

"I'll make appropriate plans to deal with any unwanted guests. What about TingFeng?" LongWei asked.

"I've already made preparations to tie him to the mountain bandits. When I take them down, someone will handle that brother of yours as well." Cui Tengfei said.

Discussing the subject of his brother had out LongWei in a bitter mood. He did not like the Yuan family, but they were his family. That type of bond or connection was difficult to ignore, but it was necessary.


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