Chapter 126: Couplets

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LongWei quickly made his way through the alleys to get to the calligrapher's place. The place wasn't the biggest and indeed looked a little run down. For a grocery store, it couldn't compare to the one Zimo and LongWei usually went to.

Walking in LongWei calls out. "Hello?"

"An older man came out from the back room. He was thin but with long arms and had a gentle smile on his face.

"Sorry, I was in the back doing some work." The man said as he approached LongWei and Zimo. Zimo looked over at the man and could smell a strong ink scent coming from him. He couldn't help but wrinkle his little nose.

"It's not a problem. My name is Yuan LongWei and this is my souse Zhang Zimo. We were recommended by a friend and business partner Han Fengge to come see you for couplets. Do you have some time?" LongWei said. From the man's appearance which had ink stains on the sleeve and hands, LongWei was confident they had found the calligrapher.

"Han Fengge, is a dear friend of mine. With his referral I most certainly do have time. My name is Mo Weizhe. May I ask what sort of message you want in the couplets? I do have some already made you can choose from, or if you prefer I can write something custom."

LongWei honestly didn't care much about what they said. "Zimo, what do you think?" LongWei asked Zimo next to him.

Zimo gave it some thought. Earlier he couldn't decide on anything himself, so he decided to look at the pre-made ones first. "Maybe there will be something great." He thought as Mo Weizhe led them to the inner room where he worked in his calligraphy.

Looking around Zimo couldn't read anything easily. He had studied the ancient writing with some books LongWei had bought him previously and with Cui Tengfei's help. Despite that, he still struggled with many words.

Luckily, Mo Weizhe was used to many people coming in and being illiterate, so he patiently read out each one for LongWei and Zimo to consider.

"This one says "Smooth sailing with each year; success with each step."  This other one says "Good year, good condition, good fortune, more wealth, more happiness, more luck." These are my more popular ones for business owners." Mo Weizhe said as he continued to introduce more.

"Zimo, what do you think about the smooth sailing one?" LongWei asked.

Zimo looked over at LongWei dumbfounded. "How is that any good for us? We aren't trying to gain success. Isn't our goal more towards living well and safely?" Zimo refuted.

"If it's health or safety perhaps one of these? This one says "Bamboo reports to a year of happiness and security" or "Eat well, sleep well, everyday good health, good wealth all year."  They should be a little more in line with wishing for health." Mo Weizhe said after overhearing LongWei an dZimo speak.

Zimo wasn't completely against them but they still didn't feel right. "I want something along the lines of overcoming the past and finding happiness. We got married this year and things have been a little rough. I want something that wishes for a better year moving forward together where we are healthy safe and happy." Zimo explained vaguely.

Mo Weizhe listened to his explanation and thought about Zimo's wishes. "I don't have anything already made, but what about something along the lines of "Good fortune did not come in pairs but they came this morning; Misfortune did not come alone and it went away last night." It's not as literal, but it has the meaning of  the past being difficult, but with a new year things will be better." Mo Weizhe suggested.

Zimo listened to Mo Weizhe's couplet and liked the sound of it. It was very poetic which sounded nice to the ears. LongWei on the other hand was less pleased, it didn't say anything about their marriage of health.

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