Chapter 35: FIRST FIGHT

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Zimo was confined to the yard for three days. LongWei wasn't convinced that he had recovered from the day before and wanted him to rest. Originally LongWei wanted him to only stay in bed,  but Zimo talked him down to staying in the yard.

Although he could only stay within the yard, he had a lot that needed to be done. They first, started by transplanting all the vegetables LongWei had managed to gather from the villagers. They weren't sure if they would survive, but after planting them the garden looked much better.

While planting LongWei naturally would not let Zimo do any hard work. Zimo was responsible for passing him the plants. Despite LongWei being the only one digging in the soil, it went quickly.

"Dear should we try planting the seeds?" Zimo asked, he wasn't sure how well they would grow. Or if each plant needed special attention.

"We need to wait until tomorrow. It's better to let them soak in water to help the germinate before we plant them." LongWei explained. He had been farming before he left for the army, so his knowledge was sufficient.

The rest of the night was the same as usual. LongWei coaxed Zimo into drinking his medicine. Only now LongWei didn't need to take it with him. They ate dinner, heavy on the vegetables, and got ready for bed.

Unlike the night before Zimo didn't fall asleep instantly. LongWei and him talked a little about what they would do tomorrow.

"We need to plan out a space for the new house. I also plan to set up a few traps in the morning. With the traps hunting animals will be faster and we will have more to sell next month when we go back into town." LongWei said.

"Next month? Why so soon. We won't be ready to build the house yet." Zimo asked.

"We need to ask people ahead of time about coming to help us with the construction. It's also going  to cost a lot, the more trips I make the more loads of animals, even if it's only rabbits I can sell. I also want to check the prices of wood and under tools we'll need for the construction. It's a lot to do. If we wait to long it will only get more overwhelming." Said LongWei.

"Listen to you." Zimo looked at LongWei with longing in his eyes. LongWei had kissed him in the morning, and he hoped LongWei would give him a good night kiss, too.

"Why hasn't he kissed me yet?" Zimo wondered becoming a little impatient.he continued to wait, but LongWei never kissed him. He just said goodnight, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Gasp! Is he really sleeping? What about my goodnight kiss." Zimo thought. "Why won't he give me a kiss at night? Do I look weird? Does my breath smell bad? No, that can't be it, my breath should smell better than in the morning. Why didn't he kiss me." The more he thought about it the angrier he got. "Fine, I don't want to kiss you either. Hmph." That night he fell asleep feeling wronged and angry.


The next morning, Zimo woke up in a bad mood. He remembered how LongWei did not give him a goodnight kiss. Not just last night but the night before as well. It's true he quickly fell asleep quickly, but he doesn't remember LongWei attempting a good night kiss. Waking up he quickly wiggled out of LongWei's embrace.

"?" LongWei looked at the puffed up Zimo.

"Baby, did you sleep well? Did you maybe have a bad dream?" LongWei asked. He had never seen Zimo acting this way before.

"No. I slept fine."

LongWei leaned over planning to give his extra puffy little birdie a kiss. But before he could Zimo expertly dodge him and jumped out of bed.


Zimo spent the better half of the morning ignoring LongWei. When LongWei tried to hug him he would dodge. When he asked him a question, zimo would ignore him nine times out of ten. LongWei didn't know whether to laugh or cry seeing Zimo's behaviour.

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