Chapter 84: Map

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Zimo and LongWei spent the three days before the soldier's would come preparing.

To deal with the mountain bandits, they needed to set up several traps around their home in the surrounding forest and area. These seemed straightforward. The problem was deciding where to out the traps.

If they chose easily accessible places, it would interfere with LongWei and Zimo's frequent trips through the forest in search of animals, fruit, plants, nuts, bamboo, and more. They lived on the mountain and for the most part lived like hunter gatherers.

The mountain was already a dangerous place to live. Adding traps naturally made it more dangerous. They needed to plan things well.

LongWei and Cui Tengfei had worked together to draw a map of the area. Than LongWei added the paths he often used to travel to his preferred hunting grounds. He also marked places Zimo often went to because of the fruit trees and so on.

After they had finished marking the area. The needed to mark places where traps would be made and what type of trap. They walked through the area several times discussing and marking their map.

"I don't like having any trip wires near these areas." Zimo said pointing to an area not far from LongWei's usual hunting ground.

"It's fine, I won't be negligent and set off one of the traps." LongWei reassured.

"It's not that I don't trust you. It's that there are many other animals that could set off the trap. I branch might even get knocked down by a bird as you pass by. It's too risky. I think it's better to focus more on the trenches." Zimo explained.

"I understand your concern. However if we don't add in a mix, the bandits will quickly learn the terrain and what to expect. With a mix it will be more difficult for them to pinpoint a safe route." LongWei argued.

"Is there a way to add the trip wire traps but have them set off away from where you will be passing?" Zimo asked as they studied the map.

"It's not impossible. For example here the trap will be set towards the left of these trees. If I always pass on the right, even if the trap is released accidentally, it won't be aimed in my direction." LongWei expanded.

After a lot of deliberation, they reached a consensus. The map was clearly detailed and marked. They also decided on a new type of marking. The marking was devised by Zimo. He decided to use English letters and numbers.

Numbers like 123 would be used for the safe path. While letters such as ABC would be the marking for dangerous paths. As someone from the modern world who studied English the letters were clearly distinct and easy to distinguish the two. However, for this worlds natives they were complete gibberish.

Zimo could easily teach LongWei the numbers and alphabet, once taught their would be no problem. They also planned on making the markings very easy to see. This was for their own safety and to confuse the bandits.

"If they see a marking on a tree, they will need to be extra vigilant. Despite their vigilance it might be a safe passage. If they come across multiple safe passages they might lower their guard and get caught in the unsafe areas." Zimo reasoned.

"Listen to you." LongWei said. They couldn't hide their presence on the mountain. Instead they decided to put it on display.

"We should also add signs that read "You are trespassing on private property, leave now." It's a warning and we can place it at the base of the mountain and explain to the villagers about the signs meanings." Zimo added.

"Are you worried some villagers might get caught in our traps?" LongWei asked.

"Hm... many villagers come to the mountain to gather wood, fruit, and plants to survive. We bought the mountain, by I don't think it's right to monopolize it." Zimo explained.

"I understand. The traps are set higher up the mountain. Normal villagers shouldn't come this high up without a clear purpose like hunting. If we ask the village heads to warn the villagers, only those with bad intentions should wander so far up." LongWei reassured.


The next day LongWei headed down the mountain. For the sake of speed they had agreed that LongWei would take the shorter route without the mule cart. Zimo would also stay at the house.

"Baby, if you start to feel uncomfortable, go to the old house. Don't stay outside in the cold." LongWei lectured. He was worried about Zimo's debilitating fear. There had been a few times where Zimo stayed home while he hunted without incident. Nonetheless, when he recalled that day when Zimo had a severe panic attack and hallucinations, he was filled with worry.

"Don't worry, dear. My mind is clear. The fire has been doused. You've even clearly showed me the empty stove area, there isn't even a single piece of grass or twig.  Not even a miracle could light a fire in this house."

Zimo assured LongWei he would be fine. It might get cold, but the log cabin was well insulated. Even if it fell below zero outside, inside would stay bearable for at least a day.

"Don't forget to bring the Sichuan spices to the Yan brothers. And we need to pick up more paint, rope, and some food for the soldiers. And..."

"I know, don't worry baby." LongWei said cutting off Zimo's blabbering. They had just done a large shopping trip, but with the unexpected event they needed to buy more. Finances were currently tight, so LongWei would also need to sell some meat at the market.

They hadn't caught any large prey, but they should make enough after selling the large plump fifteen rabbits LongWei caught over the last few days.


While LongWei was away Zimo wasn't idle. He started making the signs that would be displayed throughout the forest. They had previously bought some paint. Zimo had planned to use it to make an Othello board game, now that idea would need to be put on hold.

He started with the warning signs for the villagers. Before leaving he asked Cui Tengfei how to properly write the text in ancient Chinese.

The modern text and ancient text had many similarities, but modern characters were simplified. They also had clearer angles or crisper lines.


In the afternoon, Zimo looked out up at the sky. It was filled with dark thick clouds.

"I hope it doesn't rain." Zimo said worried LongWei might be caught in a storm.

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