Chapter 51: Rain

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A month had passed, LongWei looked over at Zimo. Mentally performing a checklist in his head.
"The wall is shoulder high, we should be able to finish it within a week or two. The foundation for the new house is finished. We build the ondol Zimo calls it and added the stone floor. We need to wait until the wall as and roof are put up before we can do anything else. And those cursed wolf pups are finally our of our bed tonight." LongWei thought smiling.

He had promised Zimo he would wait one month only. "Tonight is the night we will have the bed all to ourselves again. Those cursed wolf pups are moving out. Tonight is the night we will do "that"." LongWei thought as he stared at Zimo.

"Dear, why do you have such a creepy smile?" Zimo asked. LongWei had been weird all day. Zimo thought as he helped prepare the vegetables for lunch.

"Baby, I'm just thinking about how much we managed to finish this month." LongWei said.

"You right. The yard looks great." Zimo agreed.


As LongWei cooked dinner using Zimo's goat butter. LongWei loved it, it was salty but a little sweet and smelled great. He used it in all his cooking. As LongWei stir fried some vegetables in butter, the sky outside grew dark.

Zimo was in the new yard milking the goat. They basically let the animals roam around the new yard all day. They would walk around and eat the grass or nap by the trees living a life of leisure. Zimo turned noticing the how the sky had darkened.

"Looks like a storm is coming. Zimo thought. They had gotten rain a few times. But just a light rain for an hour or two. Looking at the sky, it didn't look so simple. Zimo quickly gathered the goat and mule and herded them into the shed that had become their home. Then, he went out again to gather the chickens. With all the animals packed in the shed together it was a bit tight, but it was better than staying outside in the rain.

As he gathered the animals the three one month old wolf pups followed Zimo. They had become very attached to him. Wherever Zimo went they would quickly follow similar to a row of ducks trailing behind their mother.

Zimo had been slowly training them. The first lesson. Do your business outside only. They still made mistakes, but Zimo was satisfied at their progress. Second lesson, don't attack the other animals. This one still needed some work. If Zimo took his eyes off the wolf pups for even a second, they would terrorize the chickens. But they didn't bother the goat or mule, so Zimo considered a win. The third rule, don't annoy LongWei. This one was basically hopeless.

LongWei did not like the wolf pups. The wolf pups also did not like LongWei. They were never hostile to LongWei, they just annoyed him to no end. Especially in bed.

The pups had grown bigger and would surround Zimo. One would sleep at his back Zimo named him Chong. The second one would sleep by his chest. Zimo named him Chen. The third would try to act as a pillow and sleep by Zimo's head, it was the stickiest so Zimo called him Chu, because it sounded like a kiss and sounded similar to the other two.

This left no room for LongWei. If LongWei tried to move them they would bite the pillow or quilt refusing to move. Every night recently had been a battle for LongWei to squeeze in next to Zimo. Zimo on the other hand watch LongWei struggling trying hard not to burst out laughing.

He laughed out loud once at LongWei pulled Zimo out of bed and carried him over to the chair. Sitting in the chair with Zimo placed snug in his lap, LongWei kissed him raw.

Flash... Bang!

Hunter and lighting started to flash across the sky. Zimo was caught of guard by the loud noise. He looked over at the darkening sky. When suddenly it started to pour. Zimo thought he would have more time, but the rain hit hard and fast. He wanted to go find LongWei, but he was in the kitchen, so he turned around and headed for the main house grabbing the scared little wolf pups along the way.

In the room Zimo thought of LongWei. He didn't have a raincoat, walking in this rain wouldn't be good. Zimo grabbed the raincoat and stood there gathering his courage to go to the kitchen.

Just as he was about to run out the door opened and LongWei came in. He was soaked.

"Baby, thank goodness your in here. The rain was too sudden." LongWei said looking at Zimo.

"Hm, I saw the sky darken so I gathered the animals, but before I could get the raincoats it started raining." Zimo explained as he put down the raincoat.

"Good job, baby. Quickly undress and change into something dry." I'll go back to the kitchen and get lunch. LongWei said putting on the raincoat and grabbing a bamboo hat. He would use the hat to cover to food on the way back.

"Okay, be careful." Zimo said as he went towards to linen box. He first dried himself off, then the three little wolf pups. Whenever the lighting struck the three little pups would huddle close to Zimo shaking. They were too young. Zimo rolled them up in their exclusive quilt and placed them on his lap.

"Don't worry, it's just thunder and lightning you're safe." He whispered as he rocked the ball of wolf pups in his arms.


Some time passed before LongWei returned with lunch. He had made vegetable soup and some buns. He placed the hot pot on the table directly and pulled the buns wrapped in a handkerchief out from under his clothes.

After eating LongWei pulled Zimo into bed. Zimo had sneezed a few times during lunch. He was worried he might have caught a cold, so he wrapped him up in the quilt together with those his wolf ball and lay down next to him.

"Baby. I'm going to go and check the yard. You stay in bed." LongWei said.

"I'll hel...hel...Achoo!" Zimo sneezed again.

"Baby, I'll feel said if you get sick. Stay in bed with these three little heaters of yours and be good. I'll come back quick." LongWei aid as he patted the quilt before putting on the rain coat again and leaving.

Time passed with the sound of the rain pouring down outside and the heat from the little wolf pups Zimo fell asleep.


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