Chapter 117: New year plans (NSFW)

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"Dear, it will be New Year soon. Should we do something special?" Zimo asked as he dealt the cards between them. They were currently playing a simple game of war.

"New Year? I suppose it will be that time of year soon. Is there anything you would do in your world for New Year?" LongWei asked in return.

"Thinking about it, the New Year was always about food. It was the one time a year when the orphanage would get the most food donations, mostly dumplings. We also used to hang red decorations on the doors. On New Year's day the neighbourhood would also have many people setting of firecrackers and fireworks." Zimo explained as he thought about the past.

"That doesn't sound too different from here. We eat a large meal, visit relatives and the neighbours with gifts, on New Year's Day we stay up and welcome the new year with fireworks and firecrackers." LongWei said comparing what Zimo said to his own experience.

"It sounds interesting. We should have everything we need to make dumplings and a big meal. As for the decorations and fireworks... we have nothing." Zimo said a little downcast. He was looking forward to celebrating New Year with LongWei, but would it be much different from usual if they only did the big meal?

"I think they also have a festival in town during the days before New Year. Do you want to go down the mountain and see?" LongWei asked. They had been at home for early three months. It wasn't bad or anything, but if Zimo really wanted a change of pace it wouldn't hurt.

He could also get some more medicine from the doctor. Zimo had caught a cold a few times and they had used quite of bit of the fever medication.

"Is it safe? The snow is rather deep." Zimo asked tentatively.

"We'll need to walk down slowly. We also can't bring the horse or mule. The risk of injury is too high for them in this snow." LongWei answered.

"If we are walking, does that mean we will head to  Jianggu village? Is that a good idea."

"We will. We can take a slight detour and walk off the mountain from a different place that has very few people. Their will be fewer people, but the wolves and tiger Bay will still need to stay behind. They've gotten far too big to follow along." LongWei explained as he pointed to the large beasts sprawled out on the floor.

The wolves were almost fully grown, but with a baby-ish face. As for little Bay, he was the size of a medium dog with large paws. Despite their sizes, Zimo still treated them like his babies and would often sleep together with them when LongWei was busy.

Little Bay however often snuck in bed in the middle of the night practically crushing LongWei underneath. He loved stretching himself across LongWei's chest. Thankfully, he never did the same with Zimo. The four of them all seemed to understand how fragile and weak Zimo's body was. They never pushed him down or lay over him.

Zimo also looked over at the four animals. He never wanted to put them at risk again. "Maybe we should just spend this New Year at home. The risk of travelling down the mountain is high and will it really be a great New Year if the family isn't all together? Then again, we didn't prepare anything special for the New Year. Will it be too boring if we stay at home?" Zimo asked undecided.

"How can it be boring when we're together. We can make seven lucky dishes, your dumplings included. At night we'll stay up and greet the New Year together." LongWei seemed to be more in favour of staying home then travelling to town.

"What about the firecrackers and fireworks? You won't miss not doing them?" Zimo questioned.

"Baby, even if we did have them, how would we use them? Did you forget your fear of fire? Going down the mountain also means spending the night at the Li's house or an inn. They aren't set up like our home. Would you be okay with using things like censors or fire pits?" LongWei asked. He had certainly suggested going down the mountain in the beginning, but he also didn't think it was the best idea.

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