Chapter 77: Old Friend

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The boar had been killed. With it dead they had to move quickly if they wanted to sell it. Originally they planned to return back to the house slowly, rest for a day or two, then go to town to sell the boar.

However that wouldn't be possible. They still planned to sell the boar in town. The main problem was that they wouldn't get as much money, and they needed to do it quickly.

Deciding to continue moving forward until the sun set rather than rest early by the river. LongWei and Zimo quickly made a stretcher to pull the boar.

It was heavy. LongWei with his strong muscles pulled the stretcher, while Zimo carried the baskets full of pheasant, a fox and rabbits. He also pulled the deer along.

They arrived at the house early in the morning. Zimo was exhausted. The same could be said of LongWei, but they couldn't rest yet. They transferred the boar laboriously onto the mule cart and made their way down the mountain.

Riding the mule Zimo could no longer bare the exhaustion and promptly fell asleep with hips head resting on LongWei's shoulder. He didn't wake up again until the reach town and LongWei needed to disembark from the cart to enter the town.

"Baby, wake up." LongWei gently coaxed as he moved Zimo.

"Five more minutes." Zimo muttered as he moved to get comfortable again.

"Baby, we've reached town. You need to wake up." LongWei said once more.

Hearing the word town, the fog cleared and he remembered where he was and what they were doing.

"Sorry dear. I fell asleep again." He said feeling self-conscious. LongWei chuckled lightly as he looked at Zimo with love.

Their first stop was the restaurant once more. They weren't sure if they would be willing to buy the deceased boar, but it was certainly worth a try.


As they approached the restaurant they recognized the owner walking just outside. The owner was currently greeting a man with fine silk clothes and refined aura.

Zimo was a little frightened, if possible he wanted to avoid any kind of "noble" or wealthy individuals. They held too much power in this feudal society.

LongWei in the other hand quickly stepped forward.

"Cui Tengfei." LongWei said as he approached the man.

Hearing his name being called the refined man turned.

"Yuan LongWei? What a coincidence you're hear. I thought I would need to go mountain climbing tomorrow to find you. Hahaha!" He said as he quickly walked over to LongWei and patted his shoulder hard.

"A fine coincidence indeed. But how can you be here. Shouldn't you be busy training your soldiers in the army? I heard you were promoted to a general." LongWei asked.

"Hahaha. How could I not come after receiving your letter. It's not often I get to pay back a debt to the fierce and stubborn Yuan LongWei." He exclaimed.

LongWei stared back at Cui Tengfei suspiciously. "Hahaha, fine you got me. Actually I'm on a mission. There was an official who embezzled hundreds of gold from the army funds. He was spotted in the area, so while my men investigate I thought I'd take a small detour and check in on you." He admitted nonchalantly.

Zimo looked at the man curiously. His behaviour did not match his appearance. He was tall and certainly strong, but it was much thinner when compared to LongWei. He also had a more refined appearance. He wore fine silk and his movements were reminiscent of a business man more than a fighter.

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