Chapter 99: Protection

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Night came yet the soldiers did not. It seemed they planned to track down and kill the bandits before returning. With only LongWei and Zimo they didn't bother to cook dinner.

Zimo was feeling nauseous and frequently vomiting from the stress of the day's event. LongWei naturally had no appetite and simply stayed by Zimo's side.

It wasn't until the little tiger cub cried out in hunger that Zimo left LongWei's embrace.

"I'm sorry little one, I'll get you some milk." Zimo said as he moved to get out of bed.

"Baby, stay in bed. I'll go prepare the milk." LongWei said as he got up to leave.

"Can you take out some meat for the wolf pups. They must also be hungry." Hearing the word meat. The wolf pups' ears all perked up as they stared at LongWei. It was only at such times they would give any attention to LongWei.

"What about you, baby? Do you think you can stomach some soup or porridge?" LongWei asked hoping Zimo would eat even if only a little.

Zimo looked at LongWei and new he was worried for him. He wanted to say yes to ease the worry. His stomach on the other hand was rebelling as a wave of nausea hit him.

Noticing Zimo's complexion turn green, LongWei prepared the bucket once more. "It's okay baby, you don't need to push yourself." He comforted. Once Zimo's stomach calmed LongWei left the room to clean up the bucket, get some warm water for Zimo and prepare dinner for the four hungry pets.


After filling their bellies the wolves and tiger cub curled up on the bed together. Zimo however asked LongWei if he could prepare a bath.

He noticed LongWei had wiped him down earlier, but still felt dirty. He also hadn't had a chance to bath with the soldiers staying in the house. Taking advantage of their absence, LongWei filled the tub with steaming water.

Sitting in the hot water Zimo felt his body that had been chilled from the fear, finally warm up. LongWei knelt down next to the tub helping him wash his back. Unlike usual, he didn't try anything dishonest.

"LongWei, will everything be okay?" Zimo asked as he leaned on the edge of the tub.

"Once all the traps are set, the bandits won't be entering the area effortlessly like they did today. If they do, I promise they won't come anywhere near you." LongWei said with confidence and determination.

"Hm, I trust you. Just be careful. I don't want to live in a world without you." Zimo said with a heavy heart.

"We'll be together forever. In this life or the next. I'll always be there for you." LongWei promised as he kissed Zimo tenderly.


The next morning, Zimo slept late. While he slept LongWei prepared some porridge and did the daily chores of taking care of the resident animals. From the oldest mule, to the youngest tiger cub LongWei took care of all their needs in record time.

When he was done he entered the bedroom to wake Zimo up. He felt bad waking the sleeping Zimo, but he hadn't eaten anything since the morning before and spent the day before vomiting. Worried he might be dehydrated LongWei with a hard heart woke Zimo.

"Baby, wake up. You need to eat something." LongWei coaxed.

"I'm not hungry." Zimo said as he dove back under the quilt.

"Baby, you need to eat something." LongWei said as he lifted Zimo out of bed and carried him over to the table.

Zimo frowned as he sat at the table looking at the bowl of porridge in front of him.

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