Chapter 16: Going to Town

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The four of that down at the table and began to discuss what LongWei and Zimo would need.

"First, let's figure out what you already have, and work from there." Old man Li suggested.

"I spent a good part of my dad there, and before the accident, I hadn't packed up yet. Most of my luggage should still be there."LongWei said, his memories leading up to the accident were a little foggy.

His family had never been to the cabin before. He was confident they wouldn't be able to find it, that's why he was certain all his things should still be there. As for the things he had on his body at the time, like his bow and favourite knife. Those had long been sold off.

"With that in mind, I should have a pot, a few knives, some dry wood. There's a pillow and quilt on the bed,bamboo baskets, rope, and some clothes. As for food, there should be some oil, rice, and salt." LongWei continued.

"It's been almost a month. The food may not be radicle anymore, and for the two of you you'll certainly need more." Mrs Li said.

As Zimo was listening he thought about what might be useful to have. He couldn't do much himself, but he tried to think about what he could do.

"Hunting is definitely out of the question. But gathering herbs or fruit might be okay. We can make jam or dried fruit to sell, or spice packs that can be used as a soup base in the winter...
It would be nice to also start a small farm with chickens or ducks so we can eat protein even if LongWei doesn't catch anything. Protein is definitely important for him to get back those powerful muscles."

As Zimo was thinking about what life in the mountains would be like, LongWei turned to him and asked if there was nothing he wanted.

"Uhh? Oh, well. I was thinking it would be helpful if we had a pestle to bring spices and herbs. And some jars. We can use them to preserve fruits and make jams or oyster sauce. They are really easy to make, although I've never made it myself..." Zimo was talking a little louder than previously because of his excitement, before he noticed everyone staring.

"Sorry, they aren't anything important, and money is a little tight. For...forget what I said." Zimo shyly said as he regretted speaking so much.

"I don't understand what you mean by jam and oyster sauce, but if you want to make these things then it's fine. Is there anything else you want?" LongWei slowly said to Zimo.

Zimo could feel his eyes growing red. He couldn't remember the last time he had cried, yet in just one day, he felt like you would burst into tears so many times because of LongWei.

"Um, near the cabin is there a river? Can we catch fish?" Zimo asked.

"There is a river nearby, but I don't have anything to fish with. Do you like fish? We can get a large net to use."
LongWei replied, happy to hear Zimo participate in the conversation.

"You're a good hunter, but it might take a week or so before you can hunt while your body heals. Bring fishing gear and extra bamboo baskets for gathering plants will be useful. It's easier on the body and even this little one should be able to do this much." Old man Li chimed in.

"With everything you need, I think going to town might be the best choice. Husband, why don't you prepare the mule and cart? We can take it into town and help them with the shopping." Mrs Li kindly suggested.

"That's sounds like a good idea. I was originally planning on just giving you a few things from our home, but it's probably best to get it all sorted out first. LongWei, do you have enough money? If you don't I can lend you some. It won't be too late to pay me back after you get hunting again." Old man Li suggested.

"It shouldn't be big problem. I also think it would be good to buy some clothes for Zimo. It's much cooler up on the mountain." LongWei said as he looked at the rags Zimo wore.


With everything settled the four of them prepared the mule and headed towards town. Zimo had never ridden a cart pulled by a mule or horse before. It was a little difficult for him to sit still and relax as they rode along. The mule was old it wasn't as fast or strong as before, so the ride going into town took some time. But no one complained.

Along the way, Zimo's eyes darted around exploring the surroundings. He had never been out of town and what he saw was fascinating. They passed a few villagers on the road, who seemed to be returning after selling their goods at the morning market.

It was already past noon. They had missed the morning market, so finding good deals would be a little more difficult. However beggars can't be choosers and LongWei did not want to stay in the village for too long. If he met his family now he was afraid he might commit a crime.

Intending to recover and calm down in the mountains first, was his plan. But even doing this he want sure if his anger would diminish.

Reaching town, old man Li tied the mule with the other carts by the side. The town had a rule about carts and other animals. If you wanted to ride them in town you needed to pay a price. Not wanting to waste money,they decided to leave the mule with the others. It was a lot cheaper and safe at only 1 copper coin.

"Where should we go first?" Mrs Li asked as she thought about what they needed to buy.

"So we don't tire ourselves out too quickly, let's go for the lightest stuff first. This way it won't weigh us down as we make our way through all the stores." Old man Li suggested.

"In that case, let's go to the doctors first." Long Wei said, surprising everyone.

"Dear, are you in pain? Is it your head? Dizzy,pain, nausea? What is it?" Hearing LongWei mention the doctor Zimo began to spin out.

He hadn't noticed, aside for LongWei walking a bit unsteadily he didn't seem to be hurt. But when he thought about how he was in a com for nearly a month after hitting his head he began to panic.

LongWei looked over at Zimo with mixed feelings. He felt fine. A little weak, but his head didn't hurt. He wanted to go see the doctor for Zimo. He remembered the bruising he saw in the morning and wanted to get some medicine to help.

"It's not for me. It's for you." LongWei said as he rubbed Zimo's head.

Zimo stared back at him.

"The doctor's visit is for me? I'm fine though. The bruises on my body hurt, but it's nothing serious. They should be gone in a few weeks." He thought. No one would have brought him to see a doctor before. In fact the only time he had gone to a hospital was after he was pushed down the stairs at school.

At that time, he wasn't vigilant enough while carrying some supplies for science class. When he fell he landed on the box breaking some glass beaker and getting several deep cuts on his hands and the side of his face. The teacher's panicked and called an ambulance for him.

He was grateful at first, but being sent to the hospital meant paying a hospital bill. When he got back from receiving stitches the director thoroughly beat him, and cursed at him for wasting his money.

"Let's go." LongWei said as he pulled Zi Mo in the direction of the doctors

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