Chapter 47: Alone

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Everyone was gone. The mountain was once again quiet. Zimo closed the gate to the yard and went back to the house. He planned to move his and LongWei's bed and other things back to the main house from the shed. 

Going into the main house where the men stayed. Zimo was shocked at the mess. "I get that eight men slept here, but this is ridiculous." There were bones in a corner. Some of the floor had been dug up. And it smelled like piss.

"Can I just burn the place down?" Zimo questioned. He decided to dug up the floor to get rid of the top layer of stinky stuff.

After he replaced the floor with a new layer of clay soil. The mud would take a long time to dry, so he couldn't use it. He will just have to make due with the clay. He took a heavy round long and rolled it into the room.rolling it helped to press the floor back down again until smooth.

After that, he took a break to eat and feed the little wolf pups. "Little pups, how are you today? You must be hungry for warm fresh milk. You need to wait. Tonight I promise we will have new goats milk for you." Zimo said as he fed the milk to the pups.

There wasn't much, so he could only add water to the mixture and give it to them. The pups themselves wiggled around and sometimes made a crying sound. For the most part though they were well behaved. "I hope your being so quiet because your too little, don't die okay?" Zimo whispered.

After lunch, zimo didn't take his usual nap. When LongWei wasn't with him he never slept. He was afraid to sleep and have nightmares. Zimo continued to clean the main house instead. He moved the boxes, table and bed back into the room. Zimo mentioned washing the quilts to LongWei last night. LongWei didn't want Zimo leaving the yard, so he prepared several large basins full of water for Zimo to wash.

They day continued uneventfully for Zimo.


LongWei and the group of men went down the mountain quickly. They had no choice, LongWei was practically running. If they lost sight of LongWei they would put know which way to go and might get lost, so they followed along the best they could.

LongWei was naturally in a hurry. The faster he got down the faster he could return. Yan Bo had overheard Zimo asking LongWei to get a milk producing goat.

"Hey boss Yuan, where are you going to find a goat?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, I was going to start in town and ask the butcher if he knew anyone with a goat." LongWei said. It wasn't impossible to find milk producing goats. Many rich people liked to drink the milk and some restaurants often cooked goat in the winter.

"What your looking for goat,boss Yuan?" One of the other workers asked. His name was Wei Meng. He was a hard worker and helped on the logging team. His wife had just gotten pregnant so he wanted to earn extra money to help feed her more nourishing food.

"Yes, do y know anyone who might have a nursing goat?" LongWei asked.

"I don't know if they have any currently nursing goats. My wife's family has several goats they raise for meat. They also have pigs, ducks, and chickens." Wei Meng answered.

"Are they nearby? Yeah, they live in Jianggu Village." If you want Zi can take you there.

"Jianggu Village? Are you talking about the Lin family?" LongWei remembered there was a Lin family in the village he grew up in who had a lot of different animals. They lived on the far north side, whereas he lived on the south side.

"That's right! Do you know them, boss Yuan." Wei Meng asked.

"No, I'm from Jianggu village, but my family lives on the south side. I've never met them personally." LongWei said. He didn't live on the north side but Zimo did.

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