Chapter 95: Meat

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After settling Zimo back home with the new addition, LongWei made his was back out to where the soldiers were.

When he met them once more, they had already started setting up the traps in the area.

"Yuan LongWei your back. We didn't think you would come back so soon." Kong Huizhong said as he walked over.

"There is a lot we need to do." LongWei said as he moved around the area to see what had been done, and what was still needed.

"Don't worry, we should be able to get everything done within the next five days." Kong Huizhong reassured.

LongWei nodded satisfied with the work everyone was doing. When Cui Tengfei said he would send over his best men, he was not lying.

They group of six worked hard until the sun began to hang low in the sky.

"Let's call it a day." LongWei said as he started to pack up the carts.

Returning to the house the wolf pup Chen suddenly looked ahead vigilantly. Zimo had sent him together with LongWei for help.

"Hold up." LongWei said as he knelt down low and moved in the direction Chen was staring in.

The five others like the well trained soldiers they were, obediently stopped and prepared for battle. They didn't know if it was an animal or man.

Soon a large deer appeared through the trees ahead. Smiles crept up the faces of the men as one thought ran through their heads, "meat".

LongWei reached back drawing an arrow. They all held their breath as LongWei took aim.


A straight shot directly in the chest. Ordinarily, LongWei would aim for the legs to incapacitate the deer. However with five large men, the three wolves, Zimo, and himself he figured it would not be difficult to eat the deer within a few day. If any meat did manage to go unseated they could always dry or smoke it.

"Whew... that was a nice hit." Xu Qingsheng said as he stood up admiring LongWei's skill with the bow.

"BUAHAHA! Meat!" Yi Lei yelled as he walked towards the deer laughing.

"I know we didn't shoot it, but do you think you could share some of its meat with us?" Chang Shaoqing asked. He didn't want to assume anything like Yi Lei.

"You might be sick of eating deer by the time you leave." LongWei joked. He was glad to hunt a deer and relieve some of the burden from feeding the five soldiers. They had plenty of food stored for the winter, but he knew Zimo would feel more comfortable with more. His little birdie did like hoarding food.


Returning to the house Zimo stood by the door waiting for them he had placed the little tiger cub in a sling across his chest in the same way he had done with the wolf cubs.

"Did everything go well?" He asked LongWei as he gave him a quick once over.

"It was awesome, Yuan LongWei hunted a deer on the way back." Xu Qingsheng chimed in before LongWei could say anything.

"Deer? That's great. Do you think you can finish butchering it before dark? It would taste great in a hotpot." Zimo said enthusiastically.

"BUAHAHA! Not a problem, we'll get it done before you know it." This time Yi Lei interrupted.

"Hey, what's hot pot?" Chang Shaoqing asked.

Having so many people intrude on his conversation with Zimo, LongWei was feeling annoyed. He quickly glared at the men before pulling Zimo inside, closing the door behind them.

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