Chapter 49: Past

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LongWei brought the goat into the yard. Zimo led the way to the area where they kept the mule. It wasn't big now, but Zimo planned to build build something bigger later. He wanted a proper barn for the chicken, mule, and goat.

Zimo looked at the goat.

"Dear, have you ever milked a goat before?" He asked

LongWei looked back at, "No."

"Do you know how?" Zimo asked back.

"The Lin family who sold us the goat showed me how. It isn't hard." LongWei said as he knelt down beside the goat.

Zimo knelt down next to him excited to see how it's done.

LongWei grabbed the teat and gently pulled.
When nothing happened he tried pulling a little harder.
Feeling a little embarrassed LongWei decided to take a different test and try again.
Zimo knelt down next to LongWei barely containing his laughter.

LongWei furrowed his brow and tried again, determined to get some milk.
"Hahaha!" Zimo burst out laughing. LongWei could do just about anything, but failed at milking a goat.

LongWei with a dark expression look over at Zimo and said, "You try."

Zimo quickly shut up. Looked at the goat and gulped. He moved closer, took the test in his hand and started to pull. It felt a little strange yet familiar.

After a few tugs, Zimo successfully managed to squirt out some milk.

"Haha, look dear I did it!" He said happily.

LongWei looked back at Zimo,  or knowing if he should laugh or cry.

"You're amazing. I guess from today on milking the goat will be your job." LongWei said.

After milking two big jars full of milk. Zimo fed the wolf pups. When waiting for LongWei to come back, Zimo made a kind of bottle for the pups. He stuffed a thin hollow piece of bamboo with linen. Then, he poured the milk in the other end of the bamboo. The linen would slowly soak up the milk and the pups could suck on the linens and eat. It was much more convenient than constantly dipping the cloth in a bowl of milk.

As Zimo was feeding the pups, LongWei asked him about his day.

"Dear, those guys are disgusting. I had to replace all the dirt floor in the house. Can you believe it? They actually pissed in the house. Are they animals?" Zimo said with a look of disgust.

"It's not that surprising. Living in the barracks, many guys were too lazy or tired to go to the public toilets. So they dug a hole in the corner of the tent to piss in." LongWei said.

"You never pissed inside did you?" Zimo looked over at LongWei suspiciously. LongWei felt a slight chill at the back of his neck and quickly denied doing such a thing.

"Of course not, I would never relieve myself anywhere but in a toilet." Said firmly.

Zimo nodded, satisfied with his answer.

After feeding the wolf pups LongWei went to the kitchen to cook dinner. It didn't take long because Zimo had already prepared everything he would need. It was just a matter of starting the fire and cooking it.

At night LongWei lay in bed with Zimo. He wanted to have a little nightly fun, but that idea was thrown out the moment he saw the wolf pups.

"How long do they need to stay in bed with us?" He asked his brow furrowed, clearly showing his dissatisfaction.

"They should be fine after a month." Zimo said. He wasn't sure, but he knew what waited for him after the wolf pups left the bed. It wasn't that Zimo didn't want to do those things. It was just a little scary.

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